Well Well ....interesting read

EVIL said:
moomba said:
I wouldn't backstab colleagues to get myself off the hook. Thats the behaviour of a coward.

My opinion is that the whistle-blower is the hero, if that is the case. The player shitting out of the physical session through some lame excuse from his wife is the real act of cowardice. Hughes is in command, and thats what management is. The chain of command is clear and has been reinforced, even after the WBA defeat. You disobey in the trenches and your dead. Elano is dead, and has been on the pitch for months, bar the display in santander, where i guess some spanish scouts were present.

Hughes is the opposite of cowardice, he has stood up to the apparent arrogance of the Brasilians, and defended some players that don't deserve a defence. I have never ever heard him publicly criticise them, yet i have heard Elano and Robinho publicly criticise the team.

Can you post what Elano said that was criticising the team? He's given one interview where he said he loves the club, respects the manager but is dissappointed not to be playing. And you also don't agree that Hughes saying Elano is not up to scratch (quoted in several newspapers) is not criticising him?

Once again you are wrong. I think you should stop posting and have a think for a bit tbh.
Disturbance said:
Covers more ground than Kompany according to Prozone stats

I expected that would be the case, and posted so the other day.

Some people see what they want to see.
moomba said:
Brucie Bonus said:
No Moomba - smartest man on the forum - I haven't lost you at all.

OK then, if it makes you happy.

You're prepared to sacrifice the financial security and all that can bring after years of City being a basket case and playing second fiddle to all and sundry, just so YOU can "feel" proud. Now you keep posting claiming you can't understand what I am talking about.

Or were you just blowing off steam and didn't really mean it? Did you mean it when you said you hate Hughes? Or was that just blowing off steam as well.

Don't forget to exculpate yourself from the charge by pointing to your "I think" language in the original post will you?
rastus said:
Bluebeer said:
Once again..........

"the facts which the article is highlighting is something id rather know.....that the players arnt willing to put the effort in for our team, and would rather pull a sickie than pulling their socks up........this is plain and simple lazyness, picking up a cheque.....sheer disrespect for our club"

we as fans have a right to know if players dont care for our club.......and are just their to pick up a huge wage without putting the effort in.....

how many people on here have to work their arses off putting in stupid ammounts of overtime to get by.......these guys cant even be arsed to shut the hell up and get on with it.....weve brought them to the best league in the work, with the best players and the best project........and all they can do it whine and moan they have to 'work' too hard.......fuck that

That is if the article is true and if so that is even more ridiculous that a manager is unable to controle his business and deal with it accordingly behind closed doors. You do not let others know your business especillay weaknesses. Absolutely bad bad management. Just get rid as and when.
If he needs Elano, Jo, Robinho etc in the comming weeks/ months, will this do any good?
That gives me the impression he is doing this for his own ends and not MCFC. Thats my opinion anyway.
This isn't The Godfather! Let's not get carried away.
EVIL said:
moomba said:
I wouldn't backstab colleagues to get myself off the hook. Thats the behaviour of a coward.

My opinion is that the whistle-blower is the hero, if that is the case. The player shitting out of the physical session through some lame excuse from his wife is the real act of cowardice. Hughes is in command, and thats what management is. The chain of command is clear and has been reinforced, even after the WBA defeat. You disobey in the trenches and your dead. Elano is dead, and has been on the pitch for months, bar the display in santander, where i guess some spanish scouts were present.

Hughes is the opposite of cowardice, he has stood up to the apparent arrogance of the Brasilians, and defended some players that don't deserve a defence. I have never ever heard him publicly criticise them, yet i have heard Elano and Robinho publicly criticise the team.

fantastic statement......well put.
Hughes hasnt back stabbed anyone, whereas the brazilians are consistantly breaking curfews etc (Jo got fine for going clubbing when he was supposed to be ill).....im waiting till hughes gets more of his players in, and gets rid of the dead wood...something which erikkson only added to
So Hughes allegedly has problems with disruptive players and he wants to sign one of the most disruptive players ever to "grace" the Premiership? Great...

If there are problem players at the club Hughes is being paid to MANAGE those problems so why the fuck doesn't he get on with it instead of conducting a war of words via the media? I mean why stop at half the story, why didn't he name names about those players who are the alleged trouble-makers, why not name the guy who got his wife to ring in sick? All we get now is rampant speculation on which players the finger is pointing at, fat lot of good that will do for dressing-room morale.
Brucie Bonus said:
You're prepared to sacrifice the financial security and all that can bring after years of City being a basket case and playing second fiddle to all and sundry, just so YOU can "feel" proud. Now you keep posting claiming you can't understand what I am talking about.

Yes, I don't need City to be successful or rich to enjoy the club.

you just blowing off steam and didn't really mean it? Did you mean it when you said you hate Hughes? Or was that just blowing off steam as well.

I meant it, but I've hated him for ages.

Don't forget to exculpate yourself from the charge by pointing to your "I think" language in the original post will you?

You're being confusing again. Do you have a problem with someone having an opinion, and saying so?
Bluebeer said:
EVIL said:
My opinion is that the whistle-blower is the hero, if that is the case. The player shitting out of the physical session through some lame excuse from his wife is the real act of cowardice. Hughes is in command, and thats what management is. The chain of command is clear and has been reinforced, even after the WBA defeat. You disobey in the trenches and your dead. Elano is dead, and has been on the pitch for months, bar the display in santander, where i guess some spanish scouts were present.

Hughes is the opposite of cowardice, he has stood up to the apparent arrogance of the Brasilians, and defended some players that don't deserve a defence. I have never ever heard him publicly criticise them, yet i have heard Elano and Robinho publicly criticise the team.[/quote

fantastic statement......well put.
Hughes hasnt back stabbed anyone, whereas the brazilians are consistantly breaking curfews etc (Jo got fine for going clubbing when he was supposed to be ill).....im waiting till hughes gets more of his players in, and gets rid of the dead wood...something which erikkson only added to

Get with it........

Thats better
Bluebeer said:
fantastic statement......well put.
Hughes hasnt back stabbed anyone, whereas the brazilians are consistantly breaking curfews etc (Jo got fine for going clubbing when he was supposed to be ill).....im waiting till hughes gets more of his players in, and gets rid of the dead wood...something which erikkson only added to

Define constant.
To be fair Moomba, I do agree with you about Elano. He's a quality player who could and should be offering much more for City, and he certainly doesn't deserve some of the stick he gets on this forum. However it seems increasingly likely that we'll never see him play for us again. That's a real shame.

But... Mark Hughes/The Daily Mail coming out and suggesting in print that Elano didn't like the demands of a physical training regime makes one iota of difference how???

Also, just out of curiosity and please don't think I'm trying to be argumentative as I'm genuinely interested, that 39% you quote so often... how many of those goals came before the New Year? Apologies if you don't have that fact to hand, just thought it would be interesting as a comparison.

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