Well Well ....interesting read

Wooderbeen said:
rastus said:
That is if the article is true and if so that is even more ridiculous that a manager is unable to controle his business and deal with it accordingly behind closed doors. You do not let others know your business especillay weaknesses. Absolutely bad bad management. Just get rid as and when.
If he needs Elano, Jo, Robinho etc in the comming weeks/ months, will this do any good?
That gives me the impression he is doing this for his own ends and not MCFC. Thats my opinion anyway.
This isn't The Godfather! Let's not get carried away.

LOL, lets get carried away, its more like a pantomime.
Wooderbeen said:
But... Mark Hughes/The Daily Mail coming out and suggesting in print that Elano didn't like the demands of a physical training regime makes one iota of difference how???

I'm sure his teammates (particularly those closest to him) aren't too pleased about a manager that is so keen to publically slag their mate. And personally I have no respect for a manager (of any profession) that would prefer to badmouth a subordinate in public.

Also, just out of curiosity and please don't think I'm trying to be argumentative as I'm genuinely interested, that 39% you quote so often... how many of those goals came before the New Year? Apologies if you don't have that fact to hand, just thought it would be interesting as a comparison.

I'm not sure on assists, he scored 5 before new year and 5 after. I'm on nights tonight so I'll see if I can find more detail.
"I've hated him for ages" is hardly Churchillian reasoning mate.

Do you not similarly despise the disruptive influences of our more laissez-fair professionals?

Does it is not harm your pride when we hear of the Brasilian contingent already crying to the press en-masse, clubbing it into the wee-smalls, criticising fellow players and management, ringing in sick in perfect rhythm to their retrospective fines for misdeameanours? This is cowardice. Their ostrasising is the victory. The principle remains and matters most. The club matters most.

I would rather have the complete professional that is Kompany or the team and club man that is SWP, than con-men shafting me with the kiss of Judas every five or six games. The principle and ethic of the team matters most.

The stats about how many kms Elano runs does not matter. You fit in or f..off. Thats life.
moomba said:
I'm sure his teammates (particularly those closest to him) aren't too pleased about a manager that is so keen to publically slag their mate. And personally I have no respect for a manager (of any profession) that would prefer to badmouth a subordinate in public.

I'm not sure on assists, he scored 5 before new year and 5 after. I'm on nights tonight so I'll see if I can find more detail.
Cheers! I think you might be taking the article to heart a bit too much. Elano was only mentioned once...
Daily Mail said:
Others, such as Jo and Elano, have struggled to cope with the demands of City's fitness regime. Elano was 'just not selected' at West Bromwich, according to the manager.
Is that really all that bad?

That 'Independant' article does have me thinking about the situation. Oddly enough, a friend of mine 2 days ago, told me about the exact same thing, on the Elano front, a la Shaktar D. But, far from me backing Hughes, I'll say there's a 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' situation here.

Saying that, fitness IS important, but when is Hughes going to impliment some TACTICS into our game, rather than relying on the players being fit enough to chase down a hoofed ball??

Is he trying instill a Scum type 'Iron Fist' rule? And is he hoping for the players' natural footballing instincts to kick in after all the fitness, so he doesn't have to apply actual tactics?
Wooderbeen said:
moomba said:
I'm sure his teammates (particularly those closest to him) aren't too pleased about a manager that is so keen to publically slag their mate. And personally I have no respect for a manager (of any profession) that would prefer to badmouth a subordinate in public.

I'm not sure on assists, he scored 5 before new year and 5 after. I'm on nights tonight so I'll see if I can find more detail.
Cheers! I think you might be taking the article to heart a bit too much. Elano was only mentioned once...
Daily Mail said:
Others, such as Jo and Elano, have struggled to cope with the demands of City's fitness regime. Elano was 'just not selected' at West Bromwich, according to the manager.
Is that really all that bad?
wonderbeen have you read this one too

<a class="postlink" href="http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/premier-league/hughes-vents-anger-on-citys-boys-from-brazil-1208530.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.independent.co.uk/sport/foot ... 08530.html</a>
Bigga said:

That 'Independant' article does have me thinking about the situation. Oddly enough, a friend of mine 2 days ago, told me about the exact same thing, on the Elano front, a la Shaktar D. But, far from me backing Hughes, I'll say there's a 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' situation here.

Saying that, fitness IS important, but when is Hughes going to impliment some TACTICS into our game, rather than relying on the players being fit enough to chase down a hoofed ball??

Is he trying instill a Scum type 'Iron Fist' rule? And is he hoping for the players' natural footballing instincts to kick in after all the fitness, so he doesn't have to apply actual tactics?

Looks like it..
EVIL said:
"I've hated him for ages" is hardly Churchillian reasoning mate.


Do you not similarly despise the disruptive influences of our more laissez-fair professionals?

Yes, and if necessarily I deal with it face to face. I don't go bitching around the drinks machine.

Does it is not harm your pride when we hear of the Brasilian contingent already crying to the press en-masse, clubbing it into the wee-smalls, criticising fellow players and management, ringing in sick in perfect rhythm to their retrospective fines for misdeameanours? This is cowardice. Their ostrasising is the victory. The principle remains and matters most. The club matters most.

More than happy for any of them to be punished if they break the club rules.

I would rather have the complete professional that is Kompany or the team and club man that is SWP, than con-men shafting me with the kiss of Judas every five or six games. The principle and ethic of the team matters most.

Kompany and SWP don't make up a squad now do they.

The stats about how many kms Elano runs does not matter. You fit in or f..off. Thats life.

People generally start to disregard stats when they disprove some of their misconceptions.
Wooderbeen said:
Cheers! I think you might be taking the article to heart a bit too much. Elano was only mentioned once...

It does seem to be getting into an Elano thing again. But my point is the same for Hamann, Ball, Dunne, Richards, Johnson, Jo, Robinho, Vassel all of who have been "named and shamed" in the past few days. You could argue that each of them deserves criticism and I wouldn't disagree, but it should be done behind closed doors.

If you did something wrong at work, would you prefer a bollocking in the managers office or at the staff meeting. Now multiply that by how many people read the papers.

Daily Mail said:
Others, such as Jo and Elano, have struggled to cope with the demands of City's fitness regime. Elano was 'just not selected' at West Bromwich, according to the manager.
Is that really all that bad?

Managers perogative I guess, I'd say it was a mistake given the result, and the way we lined up and played.
Well its plainly clear that you hate hughes Moomba and thats your perogative.
I personally blame some of our highly paid players . Hughes is there to manage and some of our squad dont like is methods , which is hard fuckin work. I work hard for my money and have no complaints . If there not willing to do what the manager says then they should piss off. My opinion is give hughes a chance to get his own players in and see the season out , the signings he's made in the short time he's been here are good players .

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