Wenger - "we can't compete with a nation state"

Wanker is over stressed because he now realized that money spent on Ozil was complete madness and waste.
SO where does he turn to pour out his frustration ? answer is easy ....Man city.
I see everyone having a pop at Arsene (and why not he loves a dig at us) but it might be pertinent to notice the opening gambit in all of the shite spouted by Arsenal ie Arsenal chief commercial officer Tom Fox said........not Wenger at all!

They are without doubt the biggest hypocrites in football, long may their silverware aspirations fall on stony ground!
MSP said:
8 pages, quoted article and still everyone thinks it was Moanger who actually said this, lol

Who cares, Wenger is still a ****.
City is now the number one target of absurd transfer articles and manager mindgames. Suppose it just comes with the territory. Just irks me a bit that the likes of RM, Bayern, and PSG get so much less stick for being successful and not being afraid to splash some money. As others have said, this is really rich (ha) coming from the likes of Wenger, and Mourinho earlier.
The big time wankers, small minded hypocrites and forgetfull tossers don't mind taking our money though do they. If I remember correctly the Fulham reserves were born from the greed and self interests of a cashed up benefactor, have also had the luxury of cherry picking from any club in the land, yes even from us when we were doing well (see Tommy Caton RIP) and still the tossers moan about how hard done by they are.
The fuckin Thunderbird puppett is as classless as the rest of them, so really it doesnt matter who said what, International Rescue over for them & OUT from me.
Biased and Blue said:
City is now the number one target of absurd transfer articles and manager mindgames. Suppose it just comes with the territory. Just irks me a bit that the likes of RM, Bayern, and PSG get so much less stick for being successful and not being afraid to splash some money.
Real Madrid and PSG get a lot of negative comments made towards them for their ridiculous spending output.

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