West Ham 2016/17

This could turn into a complete disaster for West Ham if it's not sorted before a high risk team turn up.

The segregation is extremely flimsy. There is anecdotal evidence of West Ham season ticket holders having to enter the stadium through the away turnstiles, walk through the away concourse and then get let through a gate into the West Ham end! That might work in Germany but not over here, though I'm not sure if this is intentional or just piss poor planning.

The actual Olympic park itself is difficult to police given the sheer size of it. Lots of nooks and crannies apparently and poor cctv coverage.

This isn't middle England turning up watch a hockey match. You can imagine the likes of Chelsea and Spurs turning up and it becoming a battle ground.
This could turn into a complete disaster for West Ham if it's not sorted before a high risk team turn up.

The segregation is extremely flimsy. There is anecdotal evidence of West Ham season ticket holders having to enter the stadium through the away turnstiles, walk through the away concourse and then get let through a gate into the West Ham end! That might work in Germany but not over here, though I'm not sure if this is intentional or just piss poor planning.

The actual Olympic park itself is difficult to police given the sheer size of it. Lots of nooks and crannies apparently and poor cctv coverage.

This isn't middle England turning up watch a hockey match. You can imagine the likes of Chelsea and Spurs turning up and it becoming a battle ground.

From talking to some West Ham fans, that genuinely seems to be the fear.
Was talking to a Hammers fan on the walk back to town after our game with them...He said the general consensus is most hate it

I personally think it's just teething problems...I don't think many of us were particularly enamored when we first moved
Every time I see it on the telly it just isn't for me. Way too far from the pitch. The big teams are gonna love it there tho on the nice big pitch. Problem West Ham will have is maintaining interest, especially if they have a couple of poor seasons. Like many big clubs they've got the fan base to fill the place but last season created a lot of optimism and fans are fickle.

I've not seen it on telly yet as I've been to all home games - but from my own personal point of view. The stadium is amazing, atmosphere is great and my seats are really not far from the pitch, never beat the view I had at Upton Park mind - I am in the Top Band so those with cheaper tickets may have a different point of view. The group I go with all love it same as me - Westfield has loads of good bars to have drink and places to eat, the transport for me take 10 mins on train from Ebbsfleet right next to where I live.

Upton Park was a bloody nightmare, used to drive, get stuck at the Blackwall tunnel and couldn't drink - plus in the last 5-6 years there was very few places to drink - atmosphere wise it was dead unless playing one of the big boys or a local derby.

I can understand other West Ham fans not sharing this view - especially older ones who seem to live on never ending nostalgia about Upton Park, the same that harp on about the 'west ham way' and now probably getting tanked up and refusing to sit (when it's premier league and Olympic stadium rules)

Either way, the media and social forums are hyping the situation worse than it is. Yes there's still some stuff the owners have to sort out, particularly policing situation as the stewards seem powerless - it's just a shame nowadays we need to have that concern at all. Can only take a handful of drunk idiots out of 56,000 to cause a scene.
Problem is 20000 of those going will not be regulars. If you think we get stick for empty seats wait a few months. West Ham will be getting 40000.
Problem is 20000 of those going will not be regulars. If you think we get stick for empty seats wait a few months. West Ham will be getting 40000.

Thats all i heard since we went for the stadium - 'they will never fill it out' 'it will be half empty' - now its, in a few months we'll be 40,000 - i cant see it personally, we have a huge fan base and a huge waiting list.
Thats all i heard since we went for the stadium - 'they will never fill it out' 'it will be half empty' - now its, in a few months we'll be 40,000 - i cant see it personally, we have a huge fan base and a huge waiting list.

You do - but thousands of your tickets have been sold at 99 season tickets. Reading KUMB last night and already after just a few games one bloke was quoting huge rows of empties. We have the same issue but to a much lesser extent. When you are 12th or 14th with nothing to play for an a night game - thouands of those £99 season tickets will not attend. Wait and see. Not saying you don't have large support. West Ham have been my second team for 25 years and i loved my trips to Upton Park. Was disgusted at many of your fans when we played the other week mind.
Thats all i heard since we went for the stadium - 'they will never fill it out' 'it will be half empty' - now its, in a few months we'll be 40,000 - i cant see it personally, we have a huge fan base and a huge waiting list.

Chatting to an Hammer on holiday, we watched City vs WHU in a bar together, and he loves the new stadium, but said that was trouble brewing with regard to some supporters that want to stand and others who want to sit and are having their view blocked

As for the stadium is full.
From our experience of moving into a new stadium and the euphoria that came with it, this also followed a great two years under Kevin Keegan, but when we started to become mediocre and the novelty of the stadium died off we were then attaining crowds of 35-38000
I guarantee this is what will happen at your club

As for the season tickets at £99, although this is quite spectacular it also means that to miss a game has only cost the season ticket holder a fiver, so there's very little incentive to turn up vs Burnley on a cold December Tuesday night if you're still in a similar position at the lower end of the table

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