West Ham Pre-Match Thread... Here we go!

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Garcia must be chuffed at all the game time he's been getting recently, if we win the league he'd feel like he's played a big part in it really happy for him.
"We saw you signing 6 games ago, YOU'RE NOT YOU'RE NOT!"

"You thought you were the champions, YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE NOT!"

"It only takes a guy called Steve, to slip on his hands and f***ing knees."

"And give it to Ba, CITY CHAMPIONS!!"

Can't wait for Sunday. City 3-0. 103 Goals in a PL season :)
onceabluealways said:
Obviousely a little nervous but lets have some perspective here - we have lost 2 games in the league at home in the last three seasons, once against Chavs were we had to change the team at the last minute and against sunderland last season - can't think on any others.

West Ham are a poor team with nothing to play for, other than spurs last week ( 10 men, and still had plenty of chances) they have conceded in 14 prem games, and shipped 9 against us at ours. If we score 1 its very unlikely with their 10 minutes possesion they will score 2.

I expected it against QPR and that game is probably all that is making people nervous, and i expect a comfortable win on sunday.

If it was the other way round and Liverpool were at home to WH would anyone really expect them to blow it?
Don't remember Sunderland beating us at home last season??
We have lost 3 at home in the league in past 2 seasons. Man United, Norwich and Chelsea.
Tried to get tickets for me and my Dad for this one, although I wasn't paying £3000!

Instead i've organised an all dayer in Doncaster, me, my dad and a lot of rag/dipper mates.

The plan is to be able to rub it in their faces if it goes as it should so here's to hoping it does!

3-1 City.
Armaan said:
Garcia must be chuffed at all the game time he's been getting recently, if we win the league he'd feel like he's played a big part in it really happy for him.

I'll be happy for him too. And I'll be even happier in the summer if we replace him.
Bottom line is would we really expect Liverpool to not win in the same circumstances ? I wouldn't....

If we don't win ( never mind draw ) then we have no one else to blame other than our team.

Every other team in the league would love to be in our position. We have worked hard to get into this situation and I don't expect a team full of hard nosed winners to let it go now.
tolmie's hairdoo said:
West Ham have nothing to lose and think Fat Sam will tell them to 'try' and come at us.

Which will be just peachy.

Jovetic in for Milner, Fernandinho in for Garcia. Clichy in for Kolarov.

Aguero on the bench with the Beast.

I was saying the same. I cannot see them sitting back and defending, they will want to score goals
if Toure would of been fit against QPR and not gone off injured it would of been a different game,this time no surrender!!!
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