West Ham Thread 14/15

mat said:
BillyBonds said:
AC out for 6 weeks. You couldn't make it up.
At least you'll go back to playing football without him.

I'm pleased that we'll be playing the 'deadly duo' up front but would like him on the bench though. Having said that if he was fit then BFS would probably play him. On one hand it's win on the other lose.
BillyBonds said:
mat said:
BillyBonds said:
AC out for 6 weeks. You couldn't make it up.
At least you'll go back to playing football without him.
I'm pleased that we'll be playing the 'deadly duo' up front but would like him on the bench though. Having said that if he was fit then BFS would probably play him. On one hand it's win on the other lose.

You'll win that game vs West Brom with or without AC. Id bet on a 2-1 or 3-1 win.
Wurlitzer boy to miss the rest of the season?


A touch of the Aguero about him, injury wise. Seems to be made of glass.
Feel for Carroll,he's a decent player,and a proper handful,but he never really gets the opportunity to effectively prove it.
For his sake,i hope this is the end of his jinx.
<a class="postlink" href="http://kumb.com/story.php?id=128276" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://kumb.com/story.php?id=128276</a>

Video of Sullivan getting it in the neck from Hammers fans. After a wonderful season you would think they would go easy on Fat Sam. Still chants of him to fuck off and should be sacked
Crouchinho said:

Video of Sullivan getting it in the neck from Hammers fans. After a wonderful season you would think they would go easy on Fat Sam. Still chants of him to fuck off and should be sacked

Why is he dressed like Leonid Brezhnev? Poor from the West Ham fans that. I can understand them being upset, but no need to abuse him like that, especially as he was taking time to talk to them.
They are having a decent enough season and playing some good football.They have to be realistic unless they spend 150-200 million they are not going to do much else and with the hated FFP in place that will never happen now anyway no matter who owns them.
they are having a great season, playing some really good football. There fans are becoming moaners, when they have nothing to moan about.
stony said:
Crouchinho said:

Video of Sullivan getting it in the neck from Hammers fans. After a wonderful season you would think they would go easy on Fat Sam. Still chants of him to fuck off and should be sacked

Why is he dressed like Leonid Brezhnev? Poor from the West Ham fans that. I can understand them being upset, but no need to abuse him like that, especially as he was taking time to talk to them.
He's always dressed like that; any time you see him at a football match, he's got that Russian type clobber on. Does he seriously think it's stylish?

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