City win, Arsenal win = City champions 1.12 x 1.2 = 74%
City win, Arsenal draw = City champions 1.12 x 8.8 = 10%
City win, Arsenal lose = City champions 1.12 x 18 = 5%
City draw, Arsenal draw = City champions 14.5 x 8.8 = <1%
City draw, Arsenal lose = City champions 14.5 x 18 = <1%
City lose, Arsenal draw = City champions 23 x 8.8 = <1%
City lose, Arsenal lose = City champions 23 x 18 = <1%
City draw, Arsenal win = arsenal champions 14.5 x 1.2 = 6%
City lose, Arsenal win = arsenal champions 23 x 1.2 = 4%
Obvious, but it’s comforting to acknowledge , as the tension begins to grow