What are you scared of? Your phobia?

MMA said:
see the scary thing about the black mamba is the average person runs at around 10 mph and the mamba wriggles at around 15 mph and there one of the most aggressive snakes in the world... now thats scary.

Yes ...... Black Mambas (and Green Mambas) are known for the speeds at which they can travel , you're quite right ..... and if help isn't close at hand a bite will definetely kill ..... but they are predominantly found in the backwaters of Africa.

Yet this snake , and the king Cobra of Asia (which itself kills 12,000 people a year) don't make the top ten most lethal ....... they're all to be found in Australia ........ and they also have the likes of poisonous jellyfish , sharks and lethal spiders to contend with too ...... no thanks!
BingoBango said:
I am not scared of death only the process of dying, working in the NHS for many years I saw many death masks, the faces of people dead, the looks on their faces like they saw something incomprehensibly frightening, must admit put the shits up me a bit.

Saw many people who looked at peace as well though, usually those that suffered much pain.

I think heart attacks catch people by surprise; their faces usually have a sort of WTF look about them with eyes wide open, when they are lay dead in the morgue, like they totally did not expect that

Will create a thread one day and share all my experiences (for you bingo)

You're too kind.

The process of dying, while undoubtedly unpleasant and painful, isn't the thing that brings me out in the sweats, it's the idea that it's lights out, kaputski, all over for the rest of time, and being totally unaware. The thought of ceasing to be terrifies me.

The only consolation is that while I know I will die one day, so will all United fans ;-)
Try looking at death from a different perspective.

All the building blocks in our universe are carbon based, so technically you don’t ever actually die, your body begins the cycle all over again, you die your body decays becomes as one with the earth (if your buried),, your carbon will be reborn through plants trees, wild life etc, etc,, indirectly your carbon will eventually resurface in other humans, they die the cycle begins again, if your cremated maybe you will become part of the universe (positive thinking).

A bit deep but true.
BingoBango said:
I am not scared of death only the process of dying, working in the NHS for many years I saw many death masks, the faces of people dead, the looks on their faces like they saw something incomprehensibly frightening, must admit put the shits up me a bit.

Saw many people who looked at peace as well though, usually those that suffered much pain.

I think heart attacks catch people by surprise; their faces usually have a sort of WTF look about them with eyes wide open, when they are lay dead in the morgue, like they totally did not expect that

Will create a thread one day and share all my experiences (for you bingo)

You're too kind.

The process of dying, while undoubtedly unpleasant and painful, isn't the thing that brings me out in the sweats, it's the idea that it's lights out, kaputski, all over for the rest of time, and being totally unaware. The thought of ceasing to be terrifies me.

The only consolation is that while I know I will die one day, so will all United fans ;-)
Try looking at death from a different perspective.

All the building blocks in our universe are carbon based, so technically you don’t ever actually die, your body begins the cycle all over again, you die your body decays becomes as one with the earth (if your buried),, your carbon will be reborn through plants trees, wild life etc, etc,, indirectly your carbon will eventually resurface in other humans, they die the cycle begins again, if your cremated maybe you will become part of the universe (positive thinking).

A bit deep but true.
or how about us and our whole universe are just a tiny atom underneath some bigger beings fingernail.

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