What are you scared of? Your phobia?

wierdest one i have heard of was an old mate of mine, his phobias were telephones, old fashioned upright toilets (the ones with the chain and cistern above your head) and baked beans.
I'm a big wimp really

Nails (finger and toes)

But the worst one is blood. It really makes me feel I'll thinking about it
Thalassophobia = fear of the sea

hated needles too but then i found out i had diabetes so that went pretty quick!
Feed-The-Goat said:
wasps, i fucking hate the little shits, i duck and run for cover if one come near me then im always on edge as i think its gonna come back and get me....ive got goosepimples just typing this.

Horrible little bastards

THIS. Absolutely terrified of the fookers.

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