What bread is everyone eating

I too bake my own bread (s.dough) and brew my own bitter..

Actually, baking was a spin-off from brewing, since it's related through yeast knowledge.

As everybody here point out, much healthier bread with no allergens (if you use the right flour).

This is my easy no frills variant:
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I would like to try my hand at baking a loaf. Is it a lot of faff?
It’s not hard, but you have to have a bit of patience in the first instance. Once you get to know your oven it gets easier each time.

In a bread maker, it’s simply following a recipe, however, again you get better the more you do it.
It’s not hard, but you have to have a bit of patience in the first instance. Once you get to know your oven it gets easier each time.

In a bread maker, it’s simply following a recipe, however, again you get better the more you do it.
I would be using the oven. There's enough shit on the countertops as it is.
I'm not even allowed a nespresso machine.
I'll try it one day.

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