I've had a good think about this, and it has to be a game at Coms, as was, when Stuart Pierce was our manager.
I can't remember now who we were playing, possibly Coventry City, not that it matters, but we hadn't scored a goal at home in months, we were, as usual, hoping to avoid relegation, but on that day I had never been so devoid of expectation.
I wasn't watching the game, there wasn't any point. I was just looking around the ground, at the 30,000 or so of us that had turned up that day, and genuinely being conflicted about why I bothered turning up, and why anyone else did.
We hadn't won anything for years, decades, and on that day I couldn't see the point of watching a team that would never win anything again in my lifetime. I'd begun watching City in 1967 and it was an easy ride back in those days as I grew up with a successful team, winning trophies. I'd sort of accepted our ups and downs after that wonderful period, but on that day, there wasn't any enthusiasm in my heart, just a total loss of why I was bothering attending.