What has the UK become?

The last dozen or so pages of this thread have been really weird.

Maybe we can acknowledge that a "man who put his dick up other men's arses" actually saved possibly thousands of servicemen's lives. If it was not for Alan Turing it is conceivable that the UK would have fallen under Nazi rule. For those who do not know, Alan Turing was the genius who broke the Nazi enigma code and helped break the stanglehold of the U-Boats in the Atlantic. He was gay, ended up being chemically castrated for his crime of being gay.

Maybe he deserves a month just for him, as I think all those servicemen that survived the war owe him a huge thanks.
I used to go past his statue all the time at Manchester uni. How he was treated was awful but mostly reflective of the time. Thankfully we're past that now.

Maybe we should change this to what has society become looking at this at a school in Telford.


Kids starting school unable to communicate and 8 out of 27 kids still in nappies. Although the Tories getting rid of schemes like Surestart didn’t help in children from deprived backgrounds, this one is down to feckless parents. Wayne and Waynetta were a parody, now it appears that their childcare skills are a reality.

Kids already this far back in their development really don’t stand a chance.
Maybe we should change this to what has society become looking at this at a school in Telford.


Kids starting school unable to communicate and 8 out of 27 kids still in nappies. Although the Tories getting rid of schemes like Surestart didn’t help in children from deprived backgrounds, this one is down to feckless parents. Wayne and Waynetta were a parody, now it appears that their childcare skills are a reality.

Kids already this far back in their development really don’t stand a chance.

Potty training pamphlets should be given with every serving of fast food, parenting tips with every takeaway.

Maybe there is an opening for an uber nappy changing service?
From the Daily Mail...

Families with children have seen their incomes fall by an average of £2,200 per year since 2010 due to changes to taxes and benefits, according to a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS). The report highlights that families with children have been hit hardest by benefit cuts over the past 14 years, with parents who are out of work losing £5,500 per year. In-work families have also seen their entitlements cut back. The IFS states that there has been a shift from cash support to in-kind support through childcare, but this only offsets a small fraction of the former. The report also reveals that tax and benefit reforms since 2010 have reduced incomes for the poorest 40% and richest 10% of households, with those in the middle seeing their incomes rise. Higher earners have benefited from the reduction in the top rate of income tax, but this has been outweighed by the failure to increase tax thresholds in real terms and reductions in tax relief for pension contributions.
Potty training pamphlets should be given with every serving of fast food, parenting tips with every takeaway.

Maybe there is an opening for an uber nappy changing service?

noun [ U ]
UK /ˈem.pə.θi/ US /ˈem.pə.θi/

the ability to share someone else's feelings or experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in that person's situation

Maybe we should change this to what has society become looking at this at a school in Telford.


Kids starting school unable to communicate and 8 out of 27 kids still in nappies. Although the Tories getting rid of schemes like Surestart didn’t help in children from deprived backgrounds, this one is down to feckless parents. Wayne and Waynetta were a parody, now it appears that their childcare skills are a reality.

Kids already this far back in their development really don’t stand a chance.
A school full of children still in nappies and the Headteacher is called Skidmore..!
Was in Torquay at the weekend to visit the missus' family. Our seaside towns are horrible these days, not even the sun could cheer the place up

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