What has the UK become?

The last dozen or so pages of this thread have been really weird.

Maybe we can acknowledge that a "man who put his dick up other men's arses" actually saved possibly thousands of servicemen's lives. If it was not for Alan Turing it is conceivable that the UK would have fallen under Nazi rule. For those who do not know, Alan Turing was the genius who broke the Nazi enigma code and helped break the stanglehold of the U-Boats in the Atlantic. He was gay, ended up being chemically castrated for his crime of being gay.

Maybe he deserves a month just for him, as I think all those servicemen that survived the war owe him a huge thanks.
Aussie armed forces personnel are far better paid than ours - then you have the weather and the lifestyle - so as well as fucking our farmers over in a bid to sign any post Brexit deal we have probably hamstrung forces recruitment - and its a fast track way to Aussie citizenship - thinking of joining up? Fancy training in cold wet Catterick or Pirbright or as an alternative Townsville Queensland where the lowest temps are in July when it averages 20 deg's - I know what my choice would be

Fancy training in cold wet Catterick or Pirbright or as an alternative Townsville Queensland where the lowest temps are in July when it averages 20 deg's - I know what my choice would be

People don't join up for an easy life and nice weather.

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