what is going on with people my age!?

marios stress ball said:
johnmc said:
peoffrey said:
Obscurity? Arctic Monkeys are 4 albums old and still going strong! I'm hoping that's a joke.

So how many brits did they win???

The Brits are shite! It's just a load of 13 year old girl music stuff :/

I disagree mate, i know the brits arn't the best judges, but they normally weed out the shite! I didn't see it this time cos of the match (had to record it and watch it when i got home! LOL)
AlexWilliamsGloves said:
I could be wrong...but there's no sense of "movement" anymore...kids aren't part of anything.

Mods, rockers, punk, new wave, madchester, rave...even BritPop (not quite a movement...but still..)

Everything is just so disposable and throw away...there's no passion for anything.
Totally agree with this statement.Manufactured crap has killed most peoples taste nowadays.
Nick Cave is the past and the future!
Music these days is in a word shite, we've had Britpop in the 90's and apart from that since I've been born there's not that much.

I'm into Stone roses, smiths, new order, joy division, oasis (notice a pattern) and at my age (27), there's no music now to relate too. That's because ots all manufactured towards teens and is in a word shite.

We had a bit of indie revival in 2005-06 with the likes of the killers, arctic monkeys etc and it was great at the tim. I got quiet a few of my mates into joy division, stone roses, happy mondays and the smiths and they love them now.

People just need educating but whilst they get the shite forced to them like they are now there's not much hope.
Re: Re: Re: what is going on with people my age!?

johnmc said:
peoffrey said:
johnmc said:
Exactly. Back to obscurity. No doubt the same with happen with.stoned roses.

Everyone has 15 minutes and all what jazz.

Obscurity? Arctic Monkeys are 4 albums old and still going strong! I'm hoping that's a joke.

So how many brits did they win???

How does the voting process for the Brits work? I thought it was just a marketing exercise, the bands the record company's want to promote are the only ones who you can vote for?
I'm 21 and get called a grandad by some of my mates for liking like the stone roses, the smiths, charlatans, the strokes etc. im goin stone roses in june and my mate thought it was hilarious!! he listens to all rap music which i absolutley fuckin hate.
I'm 15 and hardly anyone in my year has heard of the stone roses I live in Scotland but still no excuse. I get slagged rotten for liking madchester style of music and when I told them I was going to see the happy mondays they were just laughing and asking who they were. The majority of people my age have no clue about music these days.
Im 18, I love the stone roses and the smiths. I love dubstep. I love Nirvanna. I love UK grime.

Pretty cool enjoy not limiting myself to one genre
It's a sign you ARE getting old.

As Mancini would say, "It's Normal"...

I was watching something on TV at a mates house. I commented one of the actors looked like Jimmy Nail from Auf Wiedersehen, Pet. His 18 year old son asked "Who's Jimmy Nail?" and "What's Auf Wiedersehen, Pet?". I quickly realised that for a an 18 year old, that was a understandable comment. So i quickly tried to explain that he was an actor who also sang "Crocodile Shoes" in the series of the same name.
His brother piped up "I thought Elvis sang Crocodile Shoes", "Nah" his brother replied, "Elvis was a motorbike stuntman who jumped over buses".

We got in to a lengthy conversation about who they knew from the past. I can understand maybe Steve Austin (the six million dollar man) getting forgotten about. But i was amazed (and a little sorry) that they had never heard of John Wayne. And when they said they thought "Knight Rider" was a wrestler, i gave up.

Later, they were watching "Mean machine". I heard one brother say to the other that they thought it an odd for Vinny Jones to be in a film about football.
I started to laugh, and explained his "earlier" career. They didn't believe me!
We had to google it to prove me right.

Any way, i think i should get back to my pipe and slippers...!

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