What things do you remember from Maine Road?

At the earliest its 1992 as it has the Carling advert in it, first sponsors of the Premier League when it was formed in '92.
black mamba said:
Fuzzmaster101 said:
Nicks sports shoes. LOL.

What year was this btw?

Not really sure ...... i've a feeling that it might be the 1985 Charlton promotion game.

two things stand out for me personally as though they were yesterday first one was my first game ever , city vs wba in charity shield in 1968 ,it was a gloriously red hot day and we won 6-1, that was the day i fell in love.. ( i know a glory hunter at the age of 9 i was) and the second was the massive steps behind the kippax, the biggest steps i ever saw in my young life, love the place and still do,
dpkmanc said:
Skashion said:
The back alleys; Moss Siders mindin yer car (not mine, me da's - just too young); the club shop before it became 'big'; Blue Moon chippy; the Gene Kelly stand and getting pissed on during a typical Manchester downpour; the atmosphere 98-00/01.
If your dad ever parked in Rosebery St in the 1970s then I'd have been minding his car. We used to get money to go to the game off our parents and then mind cars for cigarette money. What I remember about Maine Rd best is getting in for 15 pence...
He was going to Maine Road back then but he wasn't driving. Bet there were plenty of Moss Siders who did get their money for matches from mindin weren't there? We did park there after your time - unless you were mindin cars until the 90s. ;)
dpkmanc said:
Skashion said:
The back alleys; Moss Siders mindin yer car (not mine, me da's - just too young); the club shop before it became 'big'; Blue Moon chippy; the Gene Kelly stand and getting pissed on during a typical Manchester downpour; the atmosphere 98-00/01.
If your dad ever parked in Rosebery St in the 1970s then I'd have been minding his car. We used to get money to go to the game off our parents and then mind cars for cigarette money. What I remember about Maine Rd best is getting in for 15 pence...

For two shillings - four buses from Blackley, programme and in! The gents 'pissoir' behind the North Stand - could take a dozen comfortably and then 10000 needed to relieve themselves! Solid row about 60 yards long urinating up the outside wall. Wonder which apprentice doused the walls with disinfectant on the Monday?
There were lots of miserable times as well!

Walking past the away coaches in the Kippax car park after Liverpool relegated us from the Premiership in farcical circumstances sticks in my mind. As does Luton and Pleat.

I also remember getting smacked in the mouth whilst negotiating the crush on Kippax St by a Barnsley fan after we knocked them out of he FA Cup (the year we got knocked out by Spurs in the infamous Cup Q/F). He couldn't wipe the smile of my face though
Ahh Maine Rd, where do i begin. I was reliably informed by my mother that i was actually conceived on the car park (well in my dad's car) so i suppose i go further back than most in that aspect!! My gran lived on Thornton Rd and had the only double gates right next to the away gate.
I was responsible for many of the white cricket stumps painted on the wall during the summer and spent many of my saturday mornings and 6 weeks holidays using the big blue gates as my goals dreaming of becoming the next Jim Tolmie or Paul Simpson.
I used to dread having to go round the other side to knock on Stan Gibson's house if I kicked my ball over. . . . He was pretty cool tho,even tho he did seem to bollock us all the time when we did (does his daughter Janet still run the clubshop?)..
Before i was old enough to afford to go to all the games myself i used to give my spends to an adult to get me a programme and then pass it back through the turnstile, was about 40/50p then (had enough tokens for Wembley then if we got there?!). I'd then sit in my gran's bedroom with the telly on grandstand but waiting to hear the roar. At 4.15 i'd make my way to the car park and wait for the gates to open at 3/4 time i'd call it.
When they did i'd leg it up the steps right to the back of the Kippax and could see anything.... I loved it tho.
As i got older (and taller) i'd get my own season ticket and go to exactly the same place. This is what i lived for. Daft memories are thousands of grown men chanting 'Grover give us a song' to 'Grover' the puppet- think it was Shez of B&B who used to bring him. (Only in the Kippax this would be normal)
I could go on forever about the Kippax but it brings a lump to my throat even now. I left Manchester a few years ago and moved to the West Midlands. I still get back for a few in the season but it will never be the same as going on the Kippax at Maine Road..... GOOD TIMES!!!
Fuzzmaster101 said:
black mamba said:
Said Bertie Mee to Joe Harvey
have ya heared of the North Bank , Highbury?
No said Joe , i don't think so
but i've heard of the Kippax , Maine Road!

Nicks sports shoes. LOL.

What year was this btw?

that picture would have been taken at the chelsea 2-2 game, the kippax last stand. 1994.

as for memories

the old club shop that used to have what seemed like a million sew on badges for sale.

the humming of the burger vans

new heart new start man

the religeous man with the sign

boys in blue

the unnoficial t shirt vendors of the late 80's

standing at the top of the kippax watching the crowd pour in.

the strange mints in blister packs, and the pies that were like globules, and left you so thirsty.


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