What things do you remember from Maine Road?

Loads of shit performances.
Thinking we'd turned the corner so many times as a club and on the verge of a trophy, only to get battered (Think FA Cup quarters Liverpool 4-0, Spurs 4-2)
Queing for cup tickets that are being allocated from a portakabin behind the Kippax whilst a game is going on.
Dog shit all around the ground.
The ground looking like it had been designed by four blind architects

Plus loads of other crap memories
By modern standards it was a shithole, but it was our shithole and I felt comfortable and 'at home' there in a way I doubt I ever shall at COMS.

There were some great pubs round about, spent many a happy hour in there. Who can forget the alleys lined with dog-shit? The glow of the floodlights for a night match as you approached? The crazy guy telling us all to repent as the end was nigh? Helen with her bell. The beautiful green of the grass when you mounted the steps and saw the pitch for the first time? The 'characters' around you, all of whom seemed to be there to watch football, not to discuss business with their 'clients' or have a 'match-day experience'.

I loved it, and to be honest I don't think I appreciated it until it was gone.
luton 81 was only 9 but could feel the shock in the kippax

standing near the away fans in the kippax with air bomb reapeaters bein fired at each other

charlton 85 nuff said

youth cup final 2nd leg v the scum 85 or 86 ?

payin as a under 14 in j block then jibbin in to the north stand
The grey seats in the North Stand.
The Gene Kelly in the Kippax-Platt Lane Corner.
Groups of away fans looking sheepish and bricking it as they walked along the alley ways.
Drinking cans in the Sherwood Carpark (it was a nicer place to drink than actually being inside!)
Pollocks own goal.
The two ginger twins in front of us in the North Stand..

The two old ladies behind us who fed everyone around us sweets they always brought!

Can't remember who we played but the day everyone ran on the pitch and at about 7 years old I thought I would be arrested for doing so. So I stood at the edge and stole some grass. Felt like I was going to be locked up any second.. oh so naive!

The last game at Maine Road... typical city result but a brilliant atmosphere.

Dunne being booed as he nearly was sacked for being a binge drinker too many times. Joe Royle had enough ha!

So many memories....
All the backyards to store bikes. There were quite a few when I started going in the 60s and they were always crammed with bikes. By 2003 there was only one place left and he had the same 4 or 5 customers every match.
joining the membership scheme at the school at the back of the kippax.

derbies when the whole stadium would applaud city onto the field, then turn on the rags team with a deafening "who the fucking hell are you?"

two leeds fans (one in white leeds shirt, one in yellow) walking into the kippax, looking at all the blues running at them, and then turning and walking straight out of the exit gates which had been kindly opened by an old streward.

only having a tenner to my name at the bury game. got a lift to and from the game and bought a ticket for £10 off a tout at about 5 to 3. walked away and realised it was in the bury end. when they scored i stayed sat down. a group of them started threatening me. the mouthpiece said "we'll kick your fuckin' head in." i thought the day couldn't get worse so said "go on then." they left me alone after that.
about 10 of us from our estate(i`ll call it hillock to protect the innocent) got the train into victoria or the 93 or 137 to the arndale,then walk down oxford road to the ground,go to the kippax and up the white tunnel and get our place,watch the platt lane end fill up with away fans,read my programme etc....does anybody remember the "we`re gonna score in a minute" song? or the "lets all have a disco" song? david white pegging it down the right wing attacking the north stand,beating oxford united in in 88/89 season with stevie redmond and tricky morely scoring in the last few minutes to give us a 2-1 win,my feet not touching the floor going down the stairs coming out the kippax many times because of the crush and sheer amount of fans,buying a pink to get the scores,the walk back into town giving V signs to the away coaches.

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