What time do you go to bed?

I'm nearly 65 and go to bed at 9 every night (unless City are playing) and then read for an hour or so. In the morning I get up at 6. They say "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", well I got the healthy and wise bits.
It's not the going to bed time that is my current issue, it's that work is really stressing me out and I'm waking up at 2am almost every morning with my heart racing
2am again today. Lay there trying to get back to sleep and then got out of bed at 4.30 and did two and a half hours of admin/sending emails
I'm nearly 65 and go to bed at 9 every night (unless City are playing) and then read for an hour or so. In the morning I get up at 6. They say "early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise", well I got the healthy and wise bits.
All that sleep and still broke as fuck :)
Earliest i`d say 1-00 am . Latest which is more often than not 2-00 am . Get by easily on 5 hrs . Treat myself to a few hours extra if i`m not working at weekend .
I’m pretty much the same as this, although I frequently get by on 4 hours. Five hours sleep is optimum, four is fine, and three is barely enough. Any less and it definitely affects my concentration levels although the adrenaline gets me through if I’ve got something important on - although it invariably means sleeping the afternoon/early evening after for an hour or two.

And like you, I like to grab a few extra hours at a weekend or on the (very occasional) quiet work day, which I think probably stop me going quite mad!

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