What was the most toxic period at City?

Most toxic - the hour ticking-up to the end of and immediately after the Luton game. Fucking ferocious.

But those impromptu Swales Out/Sack the Board gatherings outside the players entrance were amazing. Usually pissing down, a maelstrom of disgruntled chanting fans, coppers, horses, dogs, and the City suits nervously peeping out from behind the blinds. Loved it.
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It was way before my time so I will have to do some substantial reading on this but a quick Google tells me Swales was chair for 20 years. That’s far too long in itself.
Swales out.

Swales and City staff locked in the main stand after the match.
Police guarding the main stand entrance.
Storming the main stand.
Throwing metal barriers at the main stand entrance.
Throwing bricks at the Police.
Getting charged by the Police and Police horses.
Mayhem that went on before and after numerous home games.
I take a certain pride in those demos. We protested brfore the games and then went inside and supported our team.

(I can't remember exactly, but wasn't there at least one occasion when we went back around the front for another little protest?).

No history? Fuck off!
There was a protest on the forecourt after we lost to Blackburn, which was Reidy's last game in charge. That was my lad's first match and he enjoyed the protest far more than the game.
One that was toxic behind the scenes was the second half of Thaksin & Sven's tenure. I'm told they had a serious falling out over transfers, with Sven wanting to build on what he'd started and Thaksin either wanting someone more box office or we had no dosh. It got so heated that Thaksin apparently threw a vase at Sven, which fortunately missed.

Sven was then a dead man walking and that got through to the players. The second half of the season saw our form drop off a bit of a cliff. In addition the financial situation was getting difficult, with further debt being incurred and John Wardle having to lend us money to pay wages.

Garry Cook joined in May 2008 and virtually his first big task was to save us from administration because we couldn't find the money to pay the second instalment of £15m for the previous summer's transfers. He did that and the rest is history, with Sheikh Mansour arriving a couple of months later.

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