What was the most toxic period at City?

1986-87 season was pretty bad - remember losing at home to Southampton and the city players getting some pretty nasty abuse
I’m surprised it took 9 pages for this to get mentioned. That Southampton game especially.

Honourable mentions to Blackburn away FAC QF. I left with 30 minutes to go and bought a bottle of whisky which I drank completely neat on the way home to Leeds.

Wycombe away in 98. I thought we were never climbing out of the hole - smoking cigs to stay warm - the only highlight was seeing Noel Gallagher and Goldie queuing for tickets pre game.
As far as shareholders are concerned I would say that Thaksin takes some beating. He was a fraud and a liar who ripped them off. Then he sacked Sven, bastard.
The telly went off bang on the final whistle. Never watched a single second of it back since.
I went for a long walk round Kensington Gardens. It was dark by that time which suited my mood absolutely fine.
Some woman had got locked in with her bike so she went out the turnstile and asked me would I lift it over the railings for her. I'm an obliging chap and I managed to lift it over but it was a bit awkward and I ended up twisting my wrist at which point she grabbed hold of the bike shouting thanks very much with not an ounce of care for my well being and nearly snapped my bleeding hand off. I ended up with a sore wrist and an unexpected champions league final loss. To compound it all I later started thinking she was nicking the bike and wanted my help to lift it over the railings. It took the win over Inter to take away that one.
The Swales OUT protests were actually good fun, far better than the football. Found myself on the front pages of the M/c Evening News outside the Main Stand with a few thousand others. Then we had a game with the police called "dodging the charging horses"
I was also on that front page…. I’ve still got it somewhere
The Swales OUT protests were actually good fun, far better than the football. Found myself on the front pages of the M/c Evening News outside the Main Stand with a few thousand others. Then we had a game with the police called "dodging the charging horses"
Nowadays our faces would be identified from the press and we would get two years for riot.
Absolutely now.

Ok we had 20 shit years under my namesake, not much better under Franny, numerous relegations, won fuck all from 1976 but we were well liked, as a fan base we were admired and respected. Now we are hated for being Arab owned, well run and successful, and not being members of the establishment - that’s VERY toxic
The Swales OUT protests were actually good fun, far better than the football. Found myself on the front pages of the M/c Evening News outside the Main Stand with a few thousand others. Then we had a game with the police called "dodging the charging horses"
For certain periods it was every home game. The only reason I ever left a game early was to get from the Kippax to the main stand for the Swales out demos/riots
I think there are different types of toxicity:
Fans v club would probably be the Swales Out era. Lee was just as bad as a chairman but retained a lot of goodwill from his time a s a player. The Official Supporters Club sticking to their rules and not opposing Swales even though he was dragging the club down was a disgrace, but it never descended to blue v blue battles.
Blue v blue would be the Pearce era, culminating in the cup-tie at Blackburn where 7,000 argued amongst themselves as we went out the cup. Though Luton 83 had its moments with some wanting to proclaim their loyalty while others wanted to vent their anger. I was one of those venting anger; I'd already renewed for the following season.
Fans v team has been fairly rare though "you're not fit to wear the shirt" wasn't exactly unknown under Ball, Coppell, and Clarke. The treatment of Edghill was a disgrace. IIRC Nicky Summerbee and Nigel Clough also copped for a load of stick.

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