Bit of a long story, sorry, but for those who are interested…
When I was 14 I had a life altering major surgery. Very complicated so won’t go into the detail. The surgery was long, took about 12 hours and eventually they were done and rolled me back out to the ward.
They said being stable in the first few days would be crucial, so no news is good news. Unfortunately it wasn’t ‘no news’. After a couple of days of soreness, I started inflating like a balloon, I was retching and throwing up bile. I wasn’t able to eat at all during this time. They put me on emergency intravenous nutrition. The surgeon came and checked me over and said basically something had gone wrong and I needed to go back in for another bout of surgery.
So I went back in. Another gruelling 8 hours of surgery later, I’m out again. Thinking maybe now I’m out of the woods. But no… within a couple of days I was starting to have problems again, more retching, more pain. Unbearable pain at this point. The doctors are hoping it will settle down. It doesn’t. They send me off for more testing. By this time, we’re about 10 days in and my weight is plummeting. I was skinny before but now I look skeletal.
I will never forget the look on the surgeon’s face when he came back into the room after getting my test results - it wasn’t good. He basically said to me “this is our last shot, you’ve had so much surgery, lost so much weight, there’s huge risk here and if it doesn’t work this time it’s not clear that there’s anything we can do”. I can see he’s holding back tears. My mum is in bits. I’m just in a place where if I have to die I might be fine with it if it stops the pain because I’m delirious. No food, no proper sleep, constant vomiting, incredible pain for well over a week.
They wheeled me back in and I’m thinking “this might be the last time I see my mum and dad” but I couldn’t even cry, I was just so broken.
They did the surgery. Through the grace of whatever power there may be in the universe, it went well. I woke up. First thought “I’m alive.” Immediate second thought “Ouch.” I’ve had 28 hours of surgery, three huge scars in my abdomen, I can feel my bones against the bed. I couldn’t eat for another 19 days after that. For a whole month I went nil by mouth. I’m gradually coming back to reality, the pain subsides but very slowly and at this point I’ve had so much morphine it’s giving me muscle cramps. Eventually I can eat again and all I can manage is two spoons of cornflakes and a cup of water.
It took me two years to physically recover and get back to a stable weight but I’m always underweight still to this day. Mentally I never really have recovered, those kinds of experiences change you fundamentally as a person. And at 14 I was still resilient enough to deal with it, but as I got older I realised how much trauma I was carrying through life. I’m incredibly lucky I have such a brilliant family who were there for me every step, especially my mum who suffered everything with me by my bedside.
Cherish every day, blues.