What's the most trouble you've witnessed following City?

Can't remember the year maybe 86ish but we had Blackpool away in the FA cup, I was about 13 me and my dad had to get escorted round to the other side with the rest of the other kids/women after the asbestos roof got punched through and the shards used as missiles.

I remember 5 minutes before behind us two teenage girls with their dad all looked very happy when it all kicked off. I turned round and saw one of the girls heads absolutely covered in blood and she was screaming her head off. Coins raining down everywhere.
I ended up coming home about £8 up I was picking all the change up from the pitch as we walked round!

Grim day though and I think we lost 2-0 as well.
mcfcliam said:
'Get out of our facking manor'

If the OP isn't a rag, I'm the pope. Check his posts.

Yep, very suspicious.....Turned into a good thread though.
BOMBER7967 said:
Boro at home in the 90s (cup game I think), so much mither on Claremont Road. I seem to remember about 30 Boro lads trying to pile into a shop/bookies to save themselves from a proper kicking.

Not sure if it was the same game but i walked straight into about 40 of them in a side street , near to the Sherwood pub , before the game ....... cops on foot and in vans trying desperately to bring them under control ........ apparently they'd just wrecked the Clarence pub on Wilmslow Road!

The Pope said:
Can't remember the year maybe 86ish but we had Blackpool away in the FA cup, I was about 13 me and my dad had to get escorted round to the other side with the rest of the other kids/women after the asbestos roof got punched through and the shards used as missiles.

I remember 5 minutes before behind us two teenage girls with their dad all looked very happy when it all kicked off. I turned round and saw one of the girls heads absolutely covered in blood and she was screaming her head off. Coins raining down everywhere.
I ended up coming home about £8 up I was picking all the change up from the pitch as we walked round!

Grim day though and I think we lost 2-0 as well.

That was real bad day at Blackpool ..... i , along with my son , and many others , landed up on the pitch trying to escape all the trouble in the side stand , missiles being thrown everywhere ... then the cops shoved us on the terracing behind the goal out of the way.
black mamba said:
BOMBER7967 said:
Boro at home in the 90s (cup game I think), so much mither on Claremont Road. I seem to remember about 30 Boro lads trying to pile into a shop/bookies to save themselves from a proper kicking.

Not sure if it was the same game but i walked straight into about 40 of them in a side street , near to the Sherwood pub , before the game ....... cops on foot and in vans trying to bring them under control ........ apparently they'd just wrecked the Clarence pub on Wilmslow Road!

Probably was BM, they were really up for it.........until City started getting organised and then they shit themselves!
BOMBER7967 said:
black mamba said:
BOMBER7967 said:
Boro at home in the 90s (cup game I think), so much mither on Claremont Road. I seem to remember about 30 Boro lads trying to pile into a shop/bookies to save themselves from a proper kicking.

Not sure if it was the same game but i walked straight into about 40 of them in a side street , near to the Sherwood pub , before the game ....... cops on foot and in vans trying to bring them under control ........ apparently they'd just wrecked the Clarence pub on Wilmslow Road!

Probably was BM, they were really up for it.........until City started getting organised and then they shit themselves!

And saved by Kev the driver or was that Brum
Saw many that people have already mentioned. (Liverpool/Everton. Chelsea, Stoke, Leeds, West Ham, Utd. Best Utd one was a battle at White City AND The Northumberland battle also a great one on one on Warwick Rd bridge v coco I think was his name?)


70's V Spurs.

We won 5 - 0.

Dibble had assumed no one was coming from Spurs (which we found unbelievable) as they hadn't turned up at all and allowed us all into the away part of the Kippax.

Next minute (about 3.15pm) hundreds of the cunts turned up. Train was late I think.

The police swiftly put temporary steel barriers up between us but there was mayhem all game and outside after the game was equally as bad. Spurs were definitely up for it and stood their ground.

Saw quite a few badly injured from both sides.
Just simply loads like everyone else in the 80s.

The only time I've been real fearful of my life though was in liverpool.
I knew it wasn't going to be a good day when getting off the train looking down the road there was masses of scouse either side of the road frothing at the mouth.My mate and me hung around with about 20 other city waiting for the police as usual to escort us down the road, the lovely scouse copper pointed and said "on you go" I think he got a fuck off reply to which he said "well that's what you've come for isn't it ?". We somehow made it unscathed.

On the way back coming out of the ground it already looked a battle field with scouse who'd obviously not been in the ground waiting for city to come out.We jumped on a bus round the corner thinking it would be better than trying to get through the hoards waiting,this was a serious mistake and as we got up stairs there was about a dozen city with the same idea.

If anyone on here was on that bus or the one behind then like me will never forget it. The bastard scouse bus driver stopped at every stop were bricks,bottles even chairs came at us and were they got them from I've know idea but it was all planned all manner of throwing objects were thrown at us.After the chairs came through the windows I wouldn't have been shocked that day if I got hit by a dining service followed by a waiter. There was not an uptairs window left unsmashed and out of the back window you could see it was the same with the bus behind,the upstairs front window of it had what looked like a fence post sticking out the front.

During the whole journey it was a constant battle with the bottom full of scouse trying to get upstairs and us fighting them off while stuff rained through the windows.A lad called Allister who I got talking to on the train afterwards was on the top of the stairs just about the whole time with nothing more than his feet kicking scouse back down as they tried to get up, his legs up to his knees were cut to bits.He told me he'd never been in a fight before in his life and was totally shitting it but knew if they got upstairs then we would have had the biggest kicking in our life.

All you could see from the bus were city being chased all over the streets with the odd copper about and what looked to me as just watching on and giving the occasional whack as someone went past.
As we reached the station the scouse downstairs did nothing more than get off as if on a shopping trip. This is obviously were most of the the police that day decided to hang about and let everything just happen. I came downstairs and asked the bastard driver why he stopped at every stop as he knew what was happening to which he just laughed in my face, I'm not ashamed to say I butted him and in full view of the police outside who again did nothing.
I honestly think it was a free day of violence in liverpool were anything went has the police just looked on.

The best advice I got around that time was stay on your feet and be on your toes.
I always have a little chuckle when you hear people say they always stood their ground and didn't run, when in reality if you went football back then you likely ran more than your average marathon runner over a season.

The 3 minute mile isn't possible around a track but I reckon it is on the streets when being chased by a baying mob waving hammers or throwing building bricks and that was the visiting fans being chased around the streets of Main Road.
mancityvstoke said:
Saw many that people have already mentioned. (Liverpool/Everton. Chelsea, Stoke, Leeds, West Ham, Utd. Best Utd one was a battle at White City AND The Northumberland battle also a great one on one on Warwick Rd bridge v coco I think was his name?)


70's V Spurs.

We won 5 - 0.

Dibble had assumed no one was coming from Spurs (which we found unbelievable) as they hadn't turned up at all and allowed us all into the away part of the Kippax.

Next minute (about 3.15pm) hundreds of the ***** turned up. Train was late I think.

The police swiftly put temporary steel barriers up between us but there was mayhem all game and outside after the game was equally as bad. Spurs were definitely up for it and stood their ground.

Saw quite a few badly injured from both sides.

Didn't we send Spurs down that day?
notts blue said:
cardiff away in cup was a bit hairy!!

It was. I was there and I recall it going off a bit after we missed the penalty. Crap day. As we were walking into the ground, some Welsh lad started chanting 'City'. I think he was after people joining in so they could pick the Mancunians out. Sad bastard. I know Cardiff are a City too, but he was definitely looking for it. Nothing happened. Lol.
Cardiff was one of the only times at football I actually feared for my safety

In a pub just near the ground. Good mix of city and Cardiff and some good banter. As the beer flowed the atmosphere in there started to change. I was near the door and next thing the landlord was locking it. Looked outside and there was a mob about 200 strong trying to get in. Think the old bill turned up just in time

It was very dodgy afterwards as well

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