What's the most trouble you've witnessed following City?

Seconds after Denis Law's backheeler went in at the Scoreboard End in Stretford the home fans rushed onto the pitch from all around me and my dad.

One of these thugs punched my dad in the face and he was distracted for about a split second before joining in the general jubilation.

A couple of nasty FA cup matches at Leeds later in the decade were notable.
bobbyowenquiff said:
No question. In watching City for 46 years the worst violence was the second leg of the League Cup semi at Anfield in 1981. Fought our way back to the coach to find it on its side with all the windows smashed in. Three people on our coach stabbed. Anyone who was there that night will never forget it. God knows what would have happened had we won!

I remember that I was only ten and had gone with my dad who drove the older local football team in a minibus. After the game we were sat in the minibus which we had parked in a little alleyway waiting for a couple of lads that got split up when about a dozen Scousers surrounded the van and started trying to tip it over. My dad reverse over a couple of the fookas and speed off with them throwing shit at the van. We ended up having to pick the lads up from hospital with one them getting the famous Stanley scar on his cheek.
lancs blue said:
TBF to Swales he was City through and through and he didn't deserve the abuse he got. sorry, I know he was a dedicated Blue but he did deserve it, he nearly drove the club into oblivion because of his ego and his incompetence.

To be honest i think Peter Swales did love the club , no doubt about that ....

but it seemed to me that he really couldn't take the club much further than the stage it was at at the time , it was struggling , had debts , and he didn't know which way to turn ......... nor did he really want to quit ...... but City fans , desperate for a way out , had their heads turned by Francis Lees eight million quid fortune , and his apparent willingness to step into any breach that might occur ..... it then only needed City fans to apply enough pressure to the rest of the City board , from the stands and the streets , to create that 'gap'.

But Lee is a businessman and i don't think he was ever really gonna put the fortune he'd worked so hard for into the club ..... certainly not most of it anyway !
My mate got slapped in the head on the way out of Wigan after our 1-0 win last year. That's about it.

It wasn't even a proper slap anyway.
cardiff away in the fa cup, most of the police were specials and doing nothing to stop the fights.
York away was frightning... not because we were outnumbered... 2 million City fans squeezed into that tiny little ground, Could have been a Leppings Lane type disaster.

Thank God I wasn't there
jrb said:
Anyone remember when City fans tried to storm the entrance of the Main Stand when Swales was in charge? Demos were going on for weeks, then it all kicked off properly after a night match(can't remember who we played)

Hundreds protesting, then the steel barriers in front of the main stand got pushed over and everyone surged towards the Main stand entrance. The metal gates at the enterance had already been closed, so nobody could get in.

The police came charging in and all hell broke loose. There were running battles along Maine Road, with bricks flying towards the police, who were trying to force City fans back onto Claremont Road.

I think the expressions on the faces says it all.


TBF to Swales he was City through and through and he didn't deserve the abuse he got.

That banner reads south Wales out.
Rhlf68 said:
I was at the Millwall game as well, Having been to the Old Den 3 times in the late 80's early 90's and seen little or no trouble, I didn't expect the atmosphere that we met as soon as we came out of South Bermondsey. A load of 40 year old Cockney muppets were hanging around outside this pub on the corner basically threatening anyone who looked like an away fan. This was right in front of the police who when a mate said to them "Aren't you going to do anything about this", he was told "you take your own chances at Millwall" , not really the answer he was after. The game was shit we equalised in the last minute and then Badbuy missed a sitter to win it in injury time but the atmosphere was so poisonous I had lost interest. Monkey chants were directed at Goater all game. After the game we were held for an hour while the locals attacked the police with bricks and bottles. It was a full scale riot and by the time we were let out you couldn't take a step without stepping onto some masonry or glass on the floor. Got to London Bridge station where there were police on every platform monitoring activities.

Having been going away with City since 1977 this which took place in 1998, was the worst I had ever seen and it didn't even involve us.

I was at this game, and I noticed the bad atmosphere even on the tube on the way to the stadium. During the game I became aware that the majority of the Millwall 'fans' weren't actually watching the game but were instead eyeing up the City fans.

After being released from the ground more than an hour after the game I'll never forget standing on the platform at Bermondsey train station with about 1000 City fans when a Millwall gent shouted from below the bank "come on you fuckers, I'll take you all on", much to the amusement of the City fans!

Apart from that, my supporters coach was bombarded with bricks by Chelsea fans after the Full Members Cup final defeat, smashed windows an all.
awaydayblue said:
Pre season friendly against Celtic at Tolka Park Dublin, early 90's - burning of City flags, bumps, bruises, and we got some horrendous stick, never felt as intimidated (imagine there we were heavily outnumbered all around stadium). Left early to avoid a kick in that was definitely coming our way. (can remember some Celtic fans from Glasgow who had travelled apologising for the way we had been treated, it was the large Irish contingent from both sides of the border who took umbrance at us being there..............

Took the wife to that one,shes had better days!
alibee73 said:
Marvin said:
Millwall at home in the old North Stand at Maine Rd.

I was right at the back of the stand and in the seat next to Millwall and it was chaos from the moment I took my seat. The Millwall fans swept the stewards aside and occupied the seats normally covered by netting so they were in my face for about 75 mins.

Stuck it out until Terry Cooke scored City's third in the 2nd half. At that point coins and seats started flying and at point-blank range. Almost impossible to move in an all-seater stadium with all the seats filled. Scary. Riot Police ended up battering Millwall

I remember watching them from the Kippax being marched up claremont rd after the match had started. A proper mob!

Next thing they come piling through the the back of the north stand and knew it was only a matter of time till it went off.

Seeing them get absolutly twatted by the old bill that day is one of my best memories of Maine Rd.

That was the day the Milwall mob got off at Stockport and piled into the County fans who were making their way to Edgeley Park, and then jumped back on the trains to Piccadilly for a riot at Maine Road.

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