Whats your best Joke!?!?

The weather in Manchester is the same as the Muslims in Iraq.

It's even Sunny or Shiite!
want to hear my impression of an extractor fan?

i don't like tractors anymore.......
speaking of tractors, i saw a magic tractor the other day....................

it turned into a field!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*coats on and im halfway through the door*
blue_bird said:
Wonder if the heartbroken bereaved parents would see it like that? Unbelievable.

No they wouldn't, As the parents of disabled parents wouldn't about disabled jokes, as some Irish people dont about Irish jokes, etc etc etc.

at the end of the day, as long as bad stuff happens. people will make jokes about it, its human (especially British) nature I'm afraid. yes some of it is close to the bone, some of its untasteful, some of it makes people angry, but it will always happen because that's what people do. Look at all those Gary Glitter jokes that later got re-hashed for wako-jacko, they were about paedophilia, how closer to the bone can you get than that...

do you know that statistically 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape? funny subject? not really, does it make you laugh? different question!!
brass neck said:
blue_bird said:
Wonder if the heartbroken bereaved parents would see it like that? Unbelievable.

No they wouldn't, As the parents of disabled parents wouldn't about disabled jokes, as some Irish people dont about Irish jokes, etc etc etc.

at the end of the day, as long as bad stuff happens. people will make jokes about it, its human (especially British) nature I'm afraid. yes some of it is close to the bone, some of its untasteful, some of it makes people angry, but it will always happen because that's what people do. Look at all those Gary Glitter jokes that later got re-hashed for wako-jacko, they were about paedophilia, how closer to the bone can you get than that...

do you know 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape? funny subject? not really, does it make you laugh? different question!!

I have spoken to quite a few people tonight (generally the ones that have a sick sense of humour) just to see if it was me overreacting and you know every single last one of them agreed that there was absolutely nothing funny about that "joke" whatsoever.

Just out of curiosity, did you find it amusing?
brass neck said:
blue_bird said:
Wonder if the heartbroken bereaved parents would see it like that? Unbelievable.

No they wouldn't, As the parents of disabled parents wouldn't about disabled jokes, as some Irish people dont about Irish jokes, etc etc etc.

at the end of the day, as long as bad stuff happens. people will make jokes about it, its human (especially British) nature I'm afraid. yes some of it is close to the bone, some of its untasteful, some of it makes people angry, but it will always happen because that's what people do. Look at all those Gary Glitter jokes that later got re-hashed for wako-jacko, they were about paedophilia, how closer to the bone can you get than that...

do you know that statistically 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape? funny subject? not really, does it make you laugh? different question!!

Maybe you should PM 100%manc and ask him why its not funny. and jokes about nationality cant be campared with jokes about smashing a dead babys head against a wall. You are either not all there or a very sick person.

And by the way if you read the code of conduct it says that the reason we dont use the m u n i c h word is because taking the piss out of death isnt funny. I think the same should apply to other this too.

It wasnt a joke and even the guy who posted it apologised.

shame on you
brass neck said:
blue_bird said:
Wonder if the heartbroken bereaved parents would see it like that? Unbelievable.

No they wouldn't, As the parents of disabled parents wouldn't about disabled jokes, as some Irish people dont about Irish jokes, etc etc etc.

at the end of the day, as long as bad stuff happens. people will make jokes about it, its human (especially British) nature I'm afraid. yes some of it is close to the bone, some of its untasteful, some of it makes people angry, but it will always happen because that's what people do. Look at all those Gary Glitter jokes that later got re-hashed for wako-jacko, they were about paedophilia, how closer to the bone can you get than that...

do you know that statistically 9 out of 10 people enjoy gang rape? funny subject? not really, does it make you laugh? different question!!

More embarrassing than the Adebayor debate. Grow Up
blue_bird said:
just out of curiosity, did you find it amusing?

not especially, but id defend the right of people to tell the joke, worst case scenario we all end up watching terry and june.

Borat the movie is probably the funniest film ever made, alot of it is offensive, racist, disgusting and nasty. Bloody glad he made it. killing Jewish people? god, that's the worst crime of the last century!!!!


Why would i want to PM someone who obviously has lost a child to ask him if a joke (i didnt tell) about dead babys was funny. Now THAT would be sick!!!
Two Australians meet on a road. One of them has a sheep under each arm. Shane says 'Hey Bruce - you shearing?' 'Nah' says Bruce 'I'm gonna f**k 'em both myself
Two men waiting at the pearly gates strike up a conversation. "How'd you die?" the first man asks the second. "I froze to death," says the second. "That's awful, how does it feel to freeze to death?" says the first. "It's very uncomfortable at first, you get the shakes, and you get pains in all your fingers and toes. But eventually, it's a very calm way to go. You get numb and you kind of drift off, as if you're sleeping. How did you die?" says the second. "I had a heart attack", says the first guy. "You see, I knew my wife was cheating on me, so one day I showed up at home unexpectedly. I ran up to the bedroom, and found her alone, knitting. I ran down to the basement, bot no one was hiding there. I ran up to the second floor, but no one was hiding there either. I ran as fast as I could to the attic, and just as I got there, I had a massive heart attack and died." The second man shakes his head. "that's so ironic" he says. "What do you mean?" asks the first man "If you had only stopped to look in the freezer, we'd both still be alive."
brass neck said:
well sick jokes are funny to some people and not to others. Its what makes the world a interesting and diverse place.

"A cartoon which appeared in the regional newspaper, the Metro, shows two people discussing Professor Stephen Hawking. At the time he was seriously ill in hospital, the caption says "I wonder if they've tried switching him off and switching him on again".

Professor Hawking has motor neurone disease. He uses a wheelchair and speaks using a voice synthesiser. The Motor Neurone Disease Association say the cartoon is distasteful and it's appalling that the cartoon seems to mock disability.

But did you chuckle when you read the joke?"

One mans meat is another mans poison

Don't want in on the debate here but can someone confirm what I heard about 10 years ago that Stephen Hawking used to beat his ex wife before he came down with that disease?
I've never been able to find evidence to confirm this, and if it's false then that's a bit sick to say, but if it's true, then it's Karma at it's greatest.

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