Whats your best Joke!?!?

Blonde enters a bar and the only seat is next to a dishevelled drunk. A couple of minutes pass and there's an awful smell. She asked the guy if he'd shit himself. He said "Yesh, I 'ave, 'as it 'appens"!
She said "Why don't you go to the toilet and clean yourself up"? He replied "I 'aven't finshed yet"!
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson were having a rest in their hotel room when suddenly a tree walked in.
"Elm entry, my Dear Watson," said Holmes.
A posh girl brought her hippy boyfriend home to meet her dad. He took the youth to one side and said "I think it's only right you should know my daughter has acute angina".

"Yeah man" said the hippy. "Her tits are pretty cool too".


A seance on a Tuesday night in Oldham. A load of old people sat there expectantly. The medium said "Tonight we will all concentrate, to see if we can make contact with the other side. To talk with spirits, or if you prefer, ghosts. Many people who've been to my seances claimed to have felt the presence of ghosts, to have touched them, sometimes intimately. Has anyone here had intimate contact with a ghost?"
"Yes I have!" shouted an elderly lady at the back.
"What's that madam? You've had intimate contact with a ghost?"
"Oh sorry", she replied. "I thought you said a goat".
What did the left nut say to the right nut?

The guy in the middle thinks he is so hard!





How to you make a dish washer into a snow blower?

Give the woman a shovel
What's 50 foot long, wiggles and stinks of piss?

The conga line at the old folks home


Bloke in a pub bets the bartender 50 notes that he can stand on top of the bar and piss across the bar into a cup at the other end.

The bartender rubs his hands together with glee knowing that it's almost impossible. So the guy stands up pulls down his pants get his dick out and starts pissin.

He pisses absolutely everywhere, on the bar, on the pumps, on the bartenders face and the floor, everywhere but the cup. The bartender starts to crack up laughing and holds out his hand but the bloke is laughing his bollocks off, Bartender says, " what you laughin at? you just lost 50 quid"

The guy stops laughing and points out to a bloke sat a table and says, "see that guy over there? I've just bet him 250 quid that I could get my dick out, piss on you, your bar and your punters and you'd still be laughing!"
Helium goes into a bar. The barman says, "I'm sorry, we don't serve noble gasses." Helium doesn't react.
When you get married it is all hearts and diamonds, after 12 month your looking for a club and a fukin spade.

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