When did it all start to go wrong?

Mister Appointment said:
urban genie said:
Unfortunately this turning on Pellers was always something that was possible, and that's down to the way he was appointed, with Tixi openly meeting up with his agent in the months before Mancini's sacking and the leaks on FA Cup weekend. I am not saying Bobbys sacking wasn't right or that pellers hasn't done alright for us, I like the guy and still support him while he is in charge, but the mismanaged nature of the whole thing left a bad taste at the time and so this years slump has just reopened those feeling in some.

you are gonna have those who liked mancini's personality, and he left an impression on the club, but that's alway the way with managers of the past(Mercer, Allison, Book, Reid, Horton, Keegan) unless they were shocking (coppell, clark, Ball, Pearce, etc), the reaction of the present is down to the slump this season, but in the long run Pellers will be regarded as a good manager for us and will be fondly thought off.

Whatever is going to happen the club need to shake off this haphazard way we get into these situations regarding our managers either staying or going, we've been doing it since Allison replaced Mercer

As long as Pellers is in chatrge we should support him but there is nowt wrong with celebrating past managers, Brian Horton is the greatest by the way

You miss the point slightly mate. Most posters can respect what Mancini did but can also see that his time was up and that we move on. I'm talking about those people who seem to think that some awful downward spiral was created when Mancini was sacked.

In terms of how we deal with these things, there simply isn't a good way to sack a manager. Check out all the links to Pep and Klopp - it's no different to when Mancini was in charge and we were being heavily linked to Pellegrini or some other manager. It's the nature of the beast. The good thing is that it's clear that Pellegrini won't be indulging in any public defences of his own record or of the season, and nor will be be demanding backing publicly from the board. He'll know privately what his future holds and until the season ends I suspect he'll get one with doing his job without indulging those people who want to engage him in a conversation about his own future.

You'll find that most people have those same feelings about Pellegrini, arguably the same people that had the same feelings about Mancini.
Pablo1 said:
Well when you've read the same poster (under different guises) spend what must amount to hours writing hundreds of posts tearing apart everything about a manager, getting personal with their hatred on many occasions, you tend to get a feel for their intentions.
It's not close to the bone, it's seeing you defend MP for everything you dug out RM for and calling you out for it. Which is understandable..

So you lied in your previous posts? Made up some shit about what I actually said so you could have a go at me. And you're continuing the theme even though i've called you out on it. That's impressive even by the very low standards you seem to be keeping.
Mister Appointment said:
Pablo1 said:
Well when you've read the same poster (under different guises) spend what must amount to hours writing hundreds of posts tearing apart everything about a manager, getting personal with their hatred on many occasions, you tend to get a feel for their intentions.
It's not close to the bone, it's seeing you defend MP for everything you dug out RM for and calling you out for it. Which is understandable..

So you lied in your previous posts? Made up some shit about what I actually said so you could have a go at me. And you're continuing the theme even though i've called you out on it. That's impressive even by the very low standards you seem to be keeping.
Not at all, your first post I replied to was one keeping with your general tone on here where the average fan is a bit of a simpleton who pines for a former manager. I made an assumption based on your past ,which if you say wasn't the intention I'm happy to believe and apologise for.
We've done all this before, it was tedious then and it's tedious now.
I'm comfortable with my low standards, it's after all only football discussion.
Pablo1 said:
Not at all, your first post I replied to was one keeping with your general tone on here where the average fan is a bit of a simpleton who pines for a former manager.

There go again telling lies and making assumptions out of insecurity. My post was aimed squarely at the minority on here who are just like those Chelsea/Rag/Scousers I mentioned. I even used the word 'minority'. Not the 'average fan'. You've added that bit yourself to try and characterise my post as something it's not.

You should stop telling porky pies - its making you look a real twat and it's totally unnecessary.
Mister Appointment said:
Pablo1 said:
Not at all, your first post I replied to was one keeping with your general tone on here where the average fan is a bit of a simpleton who pines for a former manager.

There go again telling lies and making assumptions out of insecurity. My post was aimed squarely at the minority on here who are just like those Chelsea/Rag/Scousers I mentioned. I even used the word 'minority'. Not the 'average fan'. You've added that bit yourself to try and characterise my post as something it's not.

You should stop telling porky pies - its making you look a real twat and it's totally unnecessary.

You do realise that you've made a twat of yourself enough times to fall into those categories?

A bit of self awareness wouldn't go a miss
Mister Appointment said:
urban genie said:
Unfortunately this turning on Pellers was always something that was possible, and that's down to the way he was appointed, with Tixi openly meeting up with his agent in the months before Mancini's sacking and the leaks on FA Cup weekend. I am not saying Bobbys sacking wasn't right or that pellers hasn't done alright for us, I like the guy and still support him while he is in charge, but the mismanaged nature of the whole thing left a bad taste at the time and so this years slump has just reopened those feeling in some.

you are gonna have those who liked mancini's personality, and he left an impression on the club, but that's alway the way with managers of the past(Mercer, Allison, Book, Reid, Horton, Keegan) unless they were shocking (coppell, clark, Ball, Pearce, etc), the reaction of the present is down to the slump this season, but in the long run Pellers will be regarded as a good manager for us and will be fondly thought off.

Whatever is going to happen the club need to shake off this haphazard way we get into these situations regarding our managers either staying or going, we've been doing it since Allison replaced Mercer

As long as Pellers is in chatrge we should support him but there is nowt wrong with celebrating past managers, Brian Horton is the greatest by the way

You miss the point slightly mate. Most posters can respect what Mancini did but can also see that his time was up and that we move on. I'm talking about those people who seem to think that some awful downward spiral was created when Mancini was sacked.

In terms of how we deal with these things, there simply isn't a good way to sack a manager. Check out all the links to Pep and Klopp - it's no different to when Mancini was in charge and we were being heavily linked to Pellegrini or some other manager. It's the nature of the beast. The good thing is that it's clear that Pellegrini won't be indulging in any public defences of his own record or of the season, and nor will be be demanding backing publicly from the board. He'll know privately what his future holds and until the season ends I suspect he'll get one with doing his job without indulging those people who want to engage him in a conversation about his own future.

I agree there is no good way to sack a person in any walk off life, but if you are sacking someone or have decided to then do it at some point don't fanny about months before openly searching for a replacement which equally causes unrest among fans and possibly players, the press will always look for stories when a team is having a bad run, but we still seem to make a hash or doing it.

Mancini staying would have guaranteed nothing and I agree his going has no real impact on what is happening now, and pellers is a different personality than him so his reaction would be different to the speculation, however all that matters is us having a strong end to the season and then sorting out the future on May 25th

the club has actually done the right thing coming out backing pellers for now but unfortunately some fans have decided he needs to go and this will lead to threads like this, He's the boss so lets just all stand together till the seasons over
Perhaps when Jovetic was emitted from the CL squad in favour of a newcomer, members of the squad reacted to this by "downing tools"
Is Jovetic a well liked member of the squad? Players didn't like the way he was treated maybe
These are just my thoughts
This run of bad form doesnt happen by chance. Something happened behind the scenes or in dressing room.

We had the bad form before Jovetic' axe so not sure that was it. But I am sure that bit of thing did not help the Balkan group that their best friend got ed like that for Bony a guy with no CL experience at all.
urban genie said:
Mister Appointment said:
urban genie said:
Unfortunately this turning on Pellers was always something that was possible, and that's down to the way he was appointed, with Tixi openly meeting up with his agent in the months before Mancini's sacking and the leaks on FA Cup weekend. I am not saying Bobbys sacking wasn't right or that pellers hasn't done alright for us, I like the guy and still support him while he is in charge, but the mismanaged nature of the whole thing left a bad taste at the time and so this years slump has just reopened those feeling in some.

you are gonna have those who liked mancini's personality, and he left an impression on the club, but that's alway the way with managers of the past(Mercer, Allison, Book, Reid, Horton, Keegan) unless they were shocking (coppell, clark, Ball, Pearce, etc), the reaction of the present is down to the slump this season, but in the long run Pellers will be regarded as a good manager for us and will be fondly thought off.

Whatever is going to happen the club need to shake off this haphazard way we get into these situations regarding our managers either staying or going, we've been doing it since Allison replaced Mercer

As long as Pellers is in chatrge we should support him but there is nowt wrong with celebrating past managers, Brian Horton is the greatest by the way

You miss the point slightly mate. Most posters can respect what Mancini did but can also see that his time was up and that we move on. I'm talking about those people who seem to think that some awful downward spiral was created when Mancini was sacked.

In terms of how we deal with these things, there simply isn't a good way to sack a manager. Check out all the links to Pep and Klopp - it's no different to when Mancini was in charge and we were being heavily linked to Pellegrini or some other manager. It's the nature of the beast. The good thing is that it's clear that Pellegrini won't be indulging in any public defences of his own record or of the season, and nor will be be demanding backing publicly from the board. He'll know privately what his future holds and until the season ends I suspect he'll get one with doing his job without indulging those people who want to engage him in a conversation about his own future.

I agree there is no good way to sack a person in any walk off life, but if you are sacking someone or have decided to then do it at some point don't fanny about months before openly searching for a replacement which equally causes unrest among fans and possibly players, the press will always look for stories when a team is having a bad run, but we still seem to make a hash or doing it.

Mancini staying would have guaranteed nothing and I agree his going has no real impact on what is happening now, and pellers is a different personality than him so his reaction would be different to the speculation, however all that matters is us having a strong end to the season and then sorting out the future on May 25th

the club has actually done the right thing coming out backing pellers for now but unfortunately some fans have decided he needs to go and this will lead to threads like this, He's the boss so lets just all stand together till the seasons over

On a more general note, I think again a minority of posters, are far too critical of the people who run the club. This is no different to 20 years ago to be fair, but where there is a difference is in who is actually running the club. We have a group of highly respected high successful highly experienced people making key decisions. Yet the characterisations but the minority are frankly risible. It's about time that people started sticking up for the club rather than sitting by idly whilst our own make a mockery of something which absolutely has zero reason to be mocked. We should be leaving that the media and the rag twats of this world, not doing their shitty lying for them.
Mister Appointment said:
Pablo1 said:
Not at all, your first post I replied to was one keeping with your general tone on here where the average fan is a bit of a simpleton who pines for a former manager.

There go again telling lies and making assumptions out of insecurity. My post was aimed squarely at the minority on here who are just like those Chelsea/Rag/Scousers I mentioned. I even used the word 'minority'. Not the 'average fan'. You've added that bit yourself to try and characterise my post as something it's not.

You should stop telling porky pies - its making you look a real twat and it's totally unnecessary.
I'll say it again because you're finding it hard to grasp. I'm not telling lies, I might be wrong in the conclusion i arrived at, but it wasn't because I'm a liar it's because from reading the majority of your posts over the years it seemed plausible.

If you spend the amount of time on a forum as you do being a bit of a dick, it's not a stretch to think people will take that into account when answering you.
A bit like "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"
You resorting to digs such as "my insecurity" and "making myself look like a twat" is your normal MO so I'll take that with the pinch of salt it deserves. I know you don't mean it..

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