When Fergie dies...

I think football is entertainment and for the most part the heroes and villians remain in that world. I'd hope most of us would be able to understand that common decency for one minute means much more than scoring cheap points, looking like an utter cretin and souring the name of club we all support.

However, I don't think we'd face them on their big day again, they surely wouldn't risk us showing them up again.
when fergie dies it'll probably be a minutes applause. I reckon we should do the poznan in silence. either that or just turn our backs to the pitch and stay silent.
Some of you need to look in the fekkin mirror, if he was our manager and he hated United we would love him for it. To wish him harm and to suggest celebrating his death is fuckin shameful. Of course the majority if not all City fans would and should honour a minutes silence. There is banter but some things cross the line.
Of course, everyone who is that good deserves respect even if he's an enemy. Richard the Lionheart had great respect for Saladin even though they were fierce enemies. You don't have to like someone to respect him. Long may you live Sir Alex, and hopefully you'll see the club you build in ruins! :)
I'd hope that it would be observed but there's always a few knobs about so I doubt it very much. I dislike the bloke intensely but he's a football manager FFS, not a mass murderer.
Let me preface by saying I personally can't imagine a situation where I wouldn't obey a moment of silence.

But, does anyone else think there's no point forcing a moment of silence upon people, in a situation when it's obvious many do not want it, and as a result won't be silent?

Like with George Best, not saying what happened was right but was anyone really surprised given it was the two sets of fans who hate United the most?

Just a thought, hope it's not inflammatory.
pedigreeblue said:
Some of you need to look in the fekkin mirror, if he was our manager and he hated United we would love him for it. To wish him harm and to suggest celebrating his death is fuckin shameful. Of course the majority if not all City fans would and should honour a minutes silence. There is banter but some things cross the line.

Spot on, though you need to understand that there are many complete & utter arseholes in the world. Just be thankful that you're not one of them.
I would. I want the rags to be silent when Bobby passes with the success of his 230,957,086 trophy wins with City respected. When Fergy goes, the Rags will have to swim without getting wet. There period of greatness will be over. Love baconface or hate him he is responsible for their success and is not replaceable.

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