When / why did you become a City fan?

1983, me and my dad were taken to Maine Road by my Aunties then boyfriend who was a season ticket holder. It was a 0-0 draw v Birmingham and all I can remember is a dog ran on the pitch at one point. My 3rd game was a defeat to Luton (yes that one), I often wondered how I actually became a City fan after that start, and the many many many years of hurt that followed but......
sometime around 2003.. was watching football on the TV and a city game was on because we had the only Israeli player in the league (so they showed city matches on the TV) - eyal berkovic. don't remember anything about the game but i started watching and following since
1961 - I was born into it as was he. Dad took me to my first match in 1967 so we were coming good then had a tough school life as all the scum fans came out of the wood work - some of my mates even changed side ( looking your way Stuart Rumney ) and had some great times when I started going on my own or with mates - Paul Power scoring at Peterborough leading to Wembley twice in a week was a highlight and standing in the open away wend at Huddersfields old ground in the pissing rain watching Imre Varadi score a winner right in front of me. Even when were were shit every away day seemed to be in West Yorkshire so easily accessible and now a golden decade that would have been unimaginable in the Swales days but thats what makes us and why we are not moaning wankers like the rags, Arses and dippers. If it all came tumbling down next week I will always be a Blue.
Interesting to read everyone's stories - a really great mix.

Mine probably begins when we moved to Cheadle Hulme in 1964 - we had been in Clydebank and then Alnwick before that. My Dad had no interest in football, so we caught it from the friends we made and from playing football in the street. They were mainly City fans, and the cub team played in sky blue. However, I initially started supporting Celtic - I guess because it was different, emphasised my Scottishness and they were European Champions (I can't remember that game but I do remember reading all about it from football annuals my Gran would keep for me). My first live game was at Clydebank - the big New Years day match v Dumbarton and at some point a cousin took me to Ibrox to try and convert me - it didn't work.

Despite Dad's lack of interest he decided to take me to Maine Road for my birthday treat in August 1970, we enjoyed it so much that he began taking my brothers and me to a number of home matches and soon had season tickets in the Platt Lane. I did carry on following Celtic for a while, but steadily City took priority and I now take more interest in Clydebank than Celtic.

I think, for Dad it was also a way of spending time with us and giving Mum some space. And so it became the thing we all did together and it is still the main time I meet up with my brothers. Now, our daughters are all 3rd generation City fans and whilst to outsiders that might look like glory-hunting, my daughter can point out that she was there as we dropped into the third division and knows the cost as well as the joy of following City. So glad, that Dad decided to take us to football - and decided it should be City rather than the other options around us. The minutes silence on Saturday was a time to quietly thank him once again - it's been fun.
From birth , its a given that your a blue in the family , great grandchild on the way and will be 5th generation , i did Ok , started in 1966 and was lucky enough to witness the Mercer/Allison era within a couple of years , buy my son started in the 1980's and had thirty barren years and must have thought it was a punishment when i took him to the home games. Used to threaten him with mid-week games if he didnt do well at school :)
My family are blues and my mum was pregnant with me in 1972 and went to the Derby at Maine Road, got trampled on by rag fans so there was never a chance I would veer from my family allegiance.
Nailed on for me years before I hit the egg..
My old man and his Dad were die hard City so it was only ever going to go one way for me ..
Chuffed to fuck it did, still going and still CTID 59 years later and counting…

Defo blaming City for my high blood pressure, psoriasis and arthritis though :-)
My great grandparents got married at St Marks and my Grandad was born in the 20’s - he was a blue all his life and passed it on down the family tree. I have fond memories of three generations of my family going to a post Christmas game every year so I started going to matches nearly 40 years ago. I met my husband 20 years ago when I lived in mainland Europe and he became a blue. Back in 2008, my family presented him with a City shirt at our wedding as a ‘welcome to the family’ gesture :D
I consider myself very fortunate as my old man was the only blue in the family. No idea why he went against the trend, and sadly it's too late to ask him. My daughter is now 3rd generation blue and I like to think her formative years when we were ..... not very good ... have helped build her character and make her into the strong independent woman she is today.

PS, no pictures fuck off

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