When you are drunk

bet he's pissed off

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: hi! animal, human or funghi?
Stranger: human
You: oh
Stranger: lol
You: thats suprising
Stranger: ok, really fungi
Stranger: morel
Stranger: mushroom
Stranger: and you?
You: yep
You: ?
Stranger: animal, vegetable or mineral?
You: alien?
Stranger: you are an alien?
You: damn it my cover is blown!
You: where r u from?
Stranger: kryptonn
Stranger: and you?
You: erm.......
Stranger: actually metropolis
Stranger: my name is clark kent
You: erm...... is actually near metropolis
Stranger: and yours?
You: gurtrude
Stranger: cool
Stranger: sexy
Stranger: :)
You: exactly
You: where do u live on earth?
Stranger: just your name makes me hot!
You: m/f?
Stranger: male
You: me too
Stranger: lol
Stranger: you from the usa?
You: im not intrested in any gay stuff
Stranger: me neither
You: and im from manchester england
Stranger: i'm straight
You: thank god!!
Stranger: from near chicago, il
Stranger: you meet all kinds on here.
You: mainly koreans
You: and finnish
You: have u seen any other english people on here?
Stranger: some chinese
Stranger: yes
You: where from?
Stranger: it depends on the time of day
Stranger: london
You: bastards
Stranger: one from manchester
You: cool
Stranger: some don't say
Stranger: some from scotland , ireland
You: did he ask u about muffins and barms?
You: dont ask.... complicated
Stranger: no, what is that?
You: never mind
Stranger: is it food or sexual slang?
You: food
Stranger: ok,lol
You: like a soft bagle without the hole
You: age?
Stranger: oh
Stranger: 29
Stranger: you?
You: 15
Stranger: do you want my actual age?
You: yep
Stranger: 50
You: oh
You: understandable
Stranger: no one will talk to me at that age
You: k
Stranger: 29 is pushing the envelope
You: neither will i
Stranger: hi
You: hello
Stranger: yeah
You: hows tricks
Stranger: what trick?
You: the one with the rabbit
Stranger: you?
Stranger: where from
Stranger: ?
You: manchester
You: you
You: from
Stranger: oh
Stranger: do you know
You: fish fingers
Stranger: ji seong park?
You: maybe be
You: chinese tossers
Stranger: he manchester united
You: he a cock
Stranger: he's korean
You: hes a korean cock
Stranger: hm
You: and crap with ordering number 67
Stranger: you england cock
You: yeah baby
Stranger: ho ~!
You: its of to work we go
Stranger: how old
Stranger: ?
You: 234
Stranger: ?
Stranger: 23?
Stranger: im
Stranger: 26
You: shame
You: male/female
Stranger: male
Stranger: of course
Stranger: do yu know korea?
You: you sure
You: maybe china is better
Stranger: nono
You: yeahski
Stranger: china in jjangge
You: you want a war
Stranger: no
Stranger: i love peace
You: china in china town manchester
You: i love city
Stranger: china town
Stranger: all around
Stranger: world
Stranger: hoo
You: noope just small bit on town
You: sun jihi
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
haha i just said i am sun ji hi! koreans are gay

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
You: chinease?
Stranger: nope
You: good
You: hate em!
Stranger: find chinease ?
You: just kiddin
You: or am i
You: of corse i am
Stranger: ya
You: i think
You: hu
Stranger: 영어가 참 짧아
Stranger: 나도 영어가 참 짧아
Stranger: 아마도 우린 안될거야
Stranger: : )
You: korean?
Stranger: 알면서
Stranger: 알았어 영어로 해줄게
Stranger: yea
You: r u korean
Stranger: yea
Stranger: 한국 말로해 그냥 너도 서툴러
You: u know ji sug park?
Stranger: no
You: mufc player
Stranger: MenU
Stranger: where are you china
You: yeah im sun ji hi
Stranger: what time?
You: havent got a clock
Stranger: haha
You: whats time ther?
Stranger: 4
You: ok
You: you like speaking english?
Stranger: no
You: do you like english people?
Stranger: no
Stranger: 한글로 하자
You: your gay man!!!!! im english you bastard!!!!!!
Stranger: 귀차네
You have disconnected.
Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 18, male, Brazil. Bi and turned on, Wanna chat?
You: no
You: go away
You: NOW
Stranger: fuck u

im deeply hurt
did i scare him?

Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hey there im old gregg
Stranger: hi
You: im a scaly-manfish
Stranger: okay, so whay
Stranger: what
You: do you want to go to a club where people wee en eachother?
Stranger: wee?
Stranger: what is it?
You: have you ever drank bailys out of a shoe?
Stranger: nope, why
You: slash is my main squeeze
Stranger: ok
You: have you ever looked into someones mouth so hard that you can see their soul?
Stranger: nope
You: you have to impale a cat on a big biro first
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
Connecting to server...
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Yo yo yo
Stranger: hi
You: how we doing?
Stranger: sexsexsex
Stranger: do you have a vagina?
You: I have two
You: do you?
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: Hi
Stranger: From ? ..
You: Uk
Stranger: Good ~
You: whatcha doing?
Stranger: i m Korean ..
You: korean eh?
Stranger: i Know Rooney ~
Stranger: Yeah ~
Stranger: Do you Know Ji sung Park ? ..
You: Rooney is a fat ****,you know this?
Stranger: Yes ..
You: You Know Robinho and Elano
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: Manchester city ? Fan ? ..
Stranger: You ..
Stranger: Hey ? .. guy ..
You: Yes I am Man City fan :D you like man utd>?
Stranger: or Not ..
Stranger: Yes ..
You: yes I'm male
Stranger: I like an utd ..
Stranger: man
You: man utd are not actually in Manchester. did you know this?
Stranger: mm ...
Stranger: Yes ..
You: only Man City are in Manchester
Stranger: But ...
Stranger: O K ..
Stranger: Do you Know Ji Sung Park ? ..
You: Yeah Ive seen him lumbering around the swamp
Stranger: Hey ~
You: hey!
You: what?#
Stranger: Good ~
You: whats good?
Stranger: I Know Richard Dunne
Stranger: And you ?
You: The former chairman of Man Utd used to spy on women using the toilet
You: the dirty ****!
Stranger: What ? ..
You: I know ,,,,,, unbeliavable eh?
Stranger: Ha Ha ..
You: dude am serious!
Stranger: I Like Benjani Mwaruwari And Jo
You: Benjani smiles a lot,jo is gash buttttt berti is a legend
Stranger: Ha Ha ...
Stranger: Cool
Stranger: Pardon Me ..
Stranger: what is your age ? ..
You: 28
Stranger: Wow ...
You: and you
Stranger: 17 ..
Stranger: Cool ..
Stranger: Brother .. haha ..
You: you got any sisters?
Stranger: Yeah ..
Stranger: Two ..
You: awesome .... any pictures?
Stranger: No ..
You: ahh thats a shame
Stranger: Pervert ..
Stranger: I think .. You are perverted ..
Stranger: rite ? ..
Stranger: Hey ~ ..
You: what? I just want to see your sisters mate,you sound like a good lad (for a rag) and I wondered what your sisters looked like :D
Stranger: Ok ..
Stranger: I m Sorry ..
You: No problem my rag chum
Stranger: Do you Like Soccer ? . .
Stranger: Hey ..
You: Football? Yes am a City supporter
Stranger: Cool ~
Stranger: 14 5 18 47 ...
Stranger: Machester ..
Stranger: city ..
Stranger: 10 ...
You: whats the numbers for?
Stranger: Manchester city 10 14 Win 5 drow 18 lose ..
Stranger: Ha Ha ..
You: cheeky fucker lol
Stranger: WHat ? ..
Stranger: Very Rude ..
You: It's the english humour please don't take offense
You: my rag friend
Stranger: Ha Ha ...
Stranger: I think you very Kind ..
You: I'm bored now ... see you later my friend ... remember to tell your friends man utd are from outside of Manchester
You have disconnected.
You: hello
Stranger: hey
You: how are you?
Stranger: kinda horny u?
You: more smooth really
Stranger: cool..
You: whats ur name?
Stranger: ben
You: my name is bill
Stranger: =/
You: we are flower pot men??
Your conversational partner has disconnected
has anyone had any serious political chats yet?

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hello
Stranger: hey
You: hows stuff?
Stranger: well im doing fine.. what about u?
You: me too
You: just come back from work :)

You: where r u from?
Stranger: oh.. im from israel.. and I think I'll go to sleep soon :)
Stranger: where are you from?
You: manchester england
You: are u female
You: and 15?
You: i think ive met u
Stranger: ehh no..
Stranger: male, and 17
You: oh, sorry
Stranger: lol
Stranger: didnt know there are other israelis over here
You: you dont see may isrealis on here
Stranger: yeah i know..
You: ive only seen 2 (including u)
Stranger: i mean, i can guess, its only my second time here
You: oh
You: i only found about this lst week
You: by the way i hate gaza and palistine
You: and i think isreal is just misunderstood
Stranger: oh thats nice.. i dont think there are many people like you
Stranger: though i think you shouldnt hate gaza and palestinians
Stranger: some of them are ok
Stranger: theres just a dominant minority
Stranger: that is aggressive and so..
You: their government are very agressive
You: thats the reason
You: the jewish people deserve a homeland
You: even though there arent alot of jews in isreal
You: did ur family move to isreal or did they live in palistinen previously?
You: sos palistine
Stranger: well there are 5 million jews in israel.. maybe even 6.. and its quite a lot for the size of the country..
Stranger: well, my parents were born in israel
Stranger: but my grandparents are form europe
You: oh how many muslims are there?
Stranger: umm.. about 1 million, but its complicated.. i mean, the government doesnt really count them as citizens i think
You: oh rigt
You: ***right
You: what do you think of england (honestly)
You: i wont be offended
Stranger: lol.. i think its a nice country.. i mean..
Stranger: its kinda neutral about the middle east
You: we find it better to stay neutral rather than start more wars
You: (unlike americans)
Stranger: and my general impression.. its a country with lots of history and culture.. and people are very polite and introverted
You: thank you
You: so did most of your population imagrate from europe?
Stranger: umm.. i dont know the exact statistics but definetely some..
Stranger: some others came from africa and asia
Stranger: from yemen and so
You: oh thats suprised me
You: is it because its a neutral and effcant country
You: ?
Stranger: whats effcant?
You: works well
You: gets to the point
You: sorry typo
Stranger: yemen or israel?
You: israel
Stranger: well israel is really paranoid..
You: that proves it cares about its citizens
Stranger: thats true
Stranger: we dont one anyone else in the middle east to be as strong as us, because when the countries around us thought theyre stronger than us, they started war
Stranger: want*
You: you beat em' back last time
You: you can do it again i suppose
Stranger: yep, but the price will be too high
You: you will have support
You: the un dont take kindly to genoside
Stranger: its a small country, we cant absorb massive attacks of missiles
Stranger: sure we'll have support, but the countrys sources will be ruined
You: if they try and destroy isreal they will have europe and america against them
Stranger: yep
You: they dont have the guts to start a full scale war
Stranger: the whole situation is complicated
Stranger: especially now with iran and the atom bombs
You: un forces are already in the middle east and with any war the un protects the defenders
Stranger: well the un's power is really limited when it comes to war..
Stranger: a few months ago with the gaza things
Stranger: the hamas told the un forces in gaza to evacuate itself.. and they did
You: thats terrible
Stranger: they didnt want the un forces to interfere with the war
Stranger: though it wasnt really a war, it was more like an operation against a terror organisation
You: you have nations like south africa who couldent care less about the un and you also (apparently)still have a defencive alliance with them
You: they will have to help
You: have you been effected directly from the effects of war?
Stranger: no.. i personally live in jerusalem
Stranger: and its kinda far from gaza(about an hour by car)
You: does it still have a wall around it?
Stranger: jerusalem? the old city does, of course
Stranger: its really beautiful
Stranger: but its small.. it cant contain the 600-700 thousand citizens
You: well the muslims beleive jeruselem is holy also and will not destroy any part of it
Stranger: yep
Stranger: maybe a part of it..
You: not inside the wall
Stranger: a few years ago there were lots of suicide bombers in israel
Stranger: yeah, but they do stab people who walk around there
Stranger: ive heard there's about one stab a week over there
You: all this killing in the name of god its just horrible
Stranger: yep..
Stranger: and before they stopped the suicide bombers it was even worse..
Stranger: no one took buses
You: its mainly about religion isnt it
Stranger: because evey week a bus exploded
You: ?
Stranger: umm.. its hard to say really
Stranger: about religion
Stranger: and about areas
Stranger: and history
Stranger: its complicated
Stranger: originally its not about religion
You: bet it is. good luck hope isreal will be better than ever when this is all over. have to go
You have disconnected.

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