AMERICANS!!! Better chat!
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: lol
You: I am Mahatma
Stranger: where are u from
Stranger: im katarzyna
You: Mahatma Coat, and i am from India
Stranger: lol
Stranger: actually
Stranger: my name is Karla
You: I work as a cloakroom person, hotel!
Stranger: but Katarzyna is my middle name
Stranger: im a zoo keeper
You: nice to meet you Karla, didn't culture club sing about you?
Stranger: and a student
Stranger: idk
Stranger: i wouldnt know
Stranger: lol
Stranger: Im from Texas btw
You: The Chameleon Song, Karla Karla Karla Karla Karla Karla Chameleon
Stranger: ha lol
Stranger: im not sure thats how that goes lol
You: wow, who wins, a lion or bear?
Stranger: the lion
Stranger: always
You: why?
Stranger: cos bears are easier to shoot
You: bang bang
You: you own a gun?
Stranger: no but my daddy does
Stranger: he has alot of em
You: Oooo, i bet he is good at darts!
Stranger: i have no idea
Stranger: but he just collects them...
Stranger: he doesnt hunt
Stranger: he's too busy
You: Ahh! In India, we just throw rocks
Stranger: eesh
You: We do not have much :-(
Stranger: :/
You: I live in a Tipi, it very small
Stranger: I live in a big house...but I have no privacy
You: But it does have a window! But it lets the rain in sometime!
You: Big family?
Stranger: no
Stranger: just me
Stranger: my mother
Stranger: and my father
You: Why do you get no privacy, do you take your work home with you? Like a Hiyena?
Stranger: Im half Mexican and Half South African
Stranger: no
Stranger: everyone in our town is nosy
You: Oh no, im sorry, you don't have that infection do you?
Stranger: and they always want to know what we r doing
Stranger: lol no
Stranger: i dont have an infection
You: Oh i know, people are always putting their head in my tipi window
Stranger: everyone wants to know what we are doing...who im dating...and the like
Stranger: lol
You: That's GREAT NEWS!! Praise Buddah!
Stranger: seriously...or are you just joshing me
Stranger: what
You: Of course not, it a different world here in India
Stranger: the guy im dating...isnt up to my parents standards?
You: Why i may sound strange man
Stranger: lol
You: It is for you to like the man
Stranger: he's half english and half korean
You: Nobody else
Stranger: and not wealthy
Stranger: but i dont care
You: Your Dad want to shoot this man?
Stranger: no
Stranger: he just doesnt approve
Stranger: and it makes me sad
Stranger: cos he's a great guy
You: In India, we arrange marriage, big party
Stranger: not here...i dont want to marry the man my dad wants me to marry
You: I have 4 wives but all divorced, last wife took my solar powered dvd player from the tipi
You: settlement, now i only have VHS :-( woman :-(
Stranger: he says that we can chase our ancestors 400 years to the finest families in mexico and spain..
You: Sorry for my anger
Stranger: oh me
Stranger: oh my*