Where did this season go so wrong?

Marvin said:
dancity19 said:
Ducado said:
But if we finish 2nd has it gone wrong? What if we win the FA cup? Get a grip we won't win it every year I don't think some of us understand this

There is optimism, and then there is delusion.

You are falling in the second category with a post like that.

Of course it hasn't entirely gone wrong yet, but it near as dammit has. No, we can't win it every year, but you would expect us to put up a fight. As far as I am concerned, being 12 points behind, the first week in February, isn't putting up much of a fight.

Getting 2 points from QPR, Liverpool at home, and Southampton, is seriously under performing for where we should be. Yesterday was an utter shambles.

There is a balance to be struck here. Of course you don't win the title every year, but if you can't see that for all this season we have been below par, and yesterday bizarrely below par, then I am not sure we have been watching the same team.
If we finish 2nd and have a good Cup run and get back on form that is acceptable. You forget that Man Utd are having a record-breaking season. Last season did not end at the Emirates after the 1-0 defeat, and this season does not end at St Marys.

There are warning signs now. But Mancini has to deal with this. How he deals with it will determine his future

I don't forget that United are having a record breaking season. But that has nothing to do with us picking up 2 points from the last 9. It has nothing to do with us failing to break teams down time and time again.

We have had a poor season, no doubt about it, but yesterday was just abysmal. Without doubt the worst performance since the investment, worse than the Spurs game toward the end of Hughes tenure. Questions need to be asked of why we were, to a man, so abject.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
Bojinov The Bull said:
Every single time there were maybe 2 of 3 intelligent people who agreed with me and the rest slating me !

Presumably intelligent because they agreed with you....

yes of course! most people on here have the mentality of because we won the league last year we are no longer allowed to criticise mancini or the team ever again! They stick their fingers in their ears and jump up and down when you try and say anything negative about the way we play. The thing is that in reality we have been pretty poor since Christmas last season with the exception of about 3 or 4 games at the end of last season as well.

Only about 5% of the people on here actually have any kind of brain and can see this, the rest you can tell are the type who turn up having had about 3 beers before the game, leave 5 mins before half time to fit 2 more beers in, turn up 5 mins later after half time and just emptily watch a ball move in front of their eyes.
There is still lots to play for this season, let's not all throw the towel in completely so soon.

Yes, it's been disappointing, but we've seen worse, next up Leeds!!
down to a lot of things, failures in the summer, EURO's and Olympics keeping our key players out of training so that they couldn't learn Mancini's new strategies in time for start of season, Mancini's continual tinkering in games to try and make the 3-5-2 work(and it hasn't), goalkeeping coach not fixing Joe's left hand side, injuries, and the mentality of many of our players, strikers not scoring, Joe making more and more mistakes and a general lack of either assurance or intensity in the vast majority of our performances. Lead to European failure, more pressure on the league and the performances just haven't been there.

This is the(wouldn't say the hangover) but the wake-up call from last season and we have to learn the lessons from being champions and learn the ruthless streak of the biggest teams, we'll never win it year in, year out but we have the capability to win it most years we just have to bounce back like the best teams do.
To answer the OP, right from the start.
Winning the league, we thought we'd made it, thought we'd hit the big time. Thought we were going to be a force to be reckoned with. The thing is though, we were lucky to win the league last season. We haven't improved our squad, whilst 'they' have.

Say what you want about Ferguson but he was right about one thing, winning a title is one thing, keeping it is very much another.

I'll get slated for this, I know but what they have is a squad full of champions. Players who've been there and done it, more than once. They have players who were brought up through the ranks and genuinely love the club and know whats expected of them.

How many players like that do we have?

Kompany, yeah, complete beast. May not have come up through the ranks but we took a chance on him and he's repaid our faith. Looks like he actually gives a fuck about the club. A real leader, no questions there.

Aguero, The kid is a magician, works his balls off, falls into the same category as Kompany.

Richards, when he plays, plays with heart, gets stuck in a real battler, seems to really want to succeed here.

BraveHart, yeah best keeper in the world? Probably. He is the John Terry of keepers and I don't mean he'll shag your wife.

The Rest:

Milner, mediocre, picking up a paycheck.
Barry, worse than mediocre, picking up a paycheck.
Yaya, brilliant but only lasts 50 mins and has no love for the club. Picking up a paycheck.
Silva, used to be good now mediocre, picking up a paycheck.
Tevez, runs about a lot but far more trouble than he's worth, defines the word 'mercenary'.

Everyone else (I can't be arsed anymore)
Good players, with no real love for the club, came for the money and possible silverware, no desire or heart left now that we've won stuff.

We need to do what 'They' and Barca and other great clubs have done is start from scratch, build the club from the youth system upwards, pick up a few great talented youngsters and bring them up the right way.

Then we'll have a team, in time, that will be ready dominate. It also help that we'll be able to buy the odd world class player now and again to keep things ticking over but they have to be players who want to come to the club for success, not money, we need to stop throwing silly wages around.

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