Which computer game wowed you the most?

The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion?

Best game ever and I've played LOTS of games LOTS of times

Resident Evil 4 is amazing too
Counterstrike, played it since the betas for many years and finally had to give up a couple of years ago, under orders from the missus.
r01z said:
Black by ea for the ps2. By far the best fps i've ever played. It took me months to complete the last level.... On easy! Proper top game.

that room at the end was a major pain in the arse, got through though walked through the door seen the credits and thought what the fuck

delayed the sequel indefinately though :(
Always got my adrenaline pumping did that fucker. got to the stage where I hated the fuckers you had to shoot. especially them pricks with the m249s because they were just shithouses. the magnum shield bearers were easy though .... aim for the kness and they soon went down. them sneaky bastards with the RPG's though.....

hated them.

got through the last level with a Magnum. Just Magnummed them all,even them in the turrets.Sweet.

Sad that they'll not make a sequel
Thaksin's Postman said:
The Elder Scrolls IV:Oblivion?

Best game ever and I've played LOTS of games LOTS of times

Resident Evil 4 is amazing too

Preferred Morrowind tbh, not as complete a game, but for some reason had more character and atmosphere about it for me.
ive just bought halo 3. never played halo games before, but it was 20 quid in asda.

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