which player cost hughes his job.

Ricster said:
uwe282828 said:
im going to name and shame kolo toure.
As his captain i feel his performances and leadership have cost hughes his job.
which one player would you name and shame?

Look no further than Bowen, i know he isn't a player but he was in charge of sorting out the defence and it was a shambles. Old pals act came back to haunt Hughes im afraid
It will be interesting to see if Hughes takes Bowen with him the next time.
Ricster said:
uwe282828 said:
im going to name and shame kolo toure.
As his captain i feel his performances and leadership have cost hughes his job.
which one player would you name and shame?

Look no further than Bowen, i know he isn't a player but he was in charge of sorting out the defence and it was a shambles. Old pals act came back to haunt Hughes im afraid

I'll go with this^^

Players don't want to play poorly and have the piss ripped out of them, I'm sure 9 out of 10 want to earn the money they're on.

But as I said in another post Hughes wants to fuck his defensive coaches off, that's the thing I'll take from his tenure with us, attacking wise the team is pretty much spot on but there's so many holes and indecision in defence the mind boggles.
Hughes cost himself the job. For me Hughes was tactically inept - his tactics and substitutions were poor and generally he was poor, I think he deserved to go at the end of November - inline with the rumoured talks with other managers for the position.

He was never the owners choice so the writing was always on the wall for him, but they did back him with all the transfers he wanted - all they needed was an excuse and 2 wins in 11 was just the job.

Now lets get the man the sheik wants, and watch what money he gives Mancini - we will fly up that league.

Get your Money on Hughes to take over at Bolton - a job that is not too big for him....
More specifically he signed his own P45 when he asked for more funds in January, that was not the plan and the owner was not prepared to trust him again. He also failed with his management of his support team, particularly his defensive coach Bowen. He should have dealt with that.
Which ever player you pick, the simple fact is Hughes bought him so ultimately he was responsible for his own downfall. Dont let the sacking gloss over another awful match yesterday that we were lucky to win.
Dunne, for his individual errors last season, and for selling him this season when he's clearly back in form again
johnny crossan said:
More specifically he signed his own P45 when he asked for more funds in January, that was not the plan and the owner was not prepared to trust him again.

lescott was injured, bridge was injured and toure was away for african nations. what do you expect.
The situation surrounding Toure. His defence and captaincy has been underwhelming. We pretty much just spunked £10m by selling Dunne, who even at his most calamitous would not have shipping 9 goals in the last 3 games. Special mention to Gareth Barry, and Dietmar Hamann and Elano last season.

Not making Nigel De Jong captain too.

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