Who is proud they voted Tory ?

Ah but then the ageing population will lead to an economic collapse when those children reach working age and there's no longer enough of them working and paying tax to fund the pensions and health costs of the elderly.
Does this mean we have to fuck for Britain?
Two major parties with the facade of opposing values both owned by Goldman Sachs.

No wonder JC is fucked for having the audacity to appeal the majority and make the 1% cough up their hidden loot.
Two major parties with the facade of opposing values both owned by Goldman Sachs.

No wonder JC is fucked for having the audacity to appeal the majority and make the 1% cough up their hidden loot.

If only he could appeal to the majority, but he can't even appeal to the majority of his own MPs.

The Labour Party and Tories both owned by Goldman Sachs ??? Please.
Spend spend spend please. Which is the party who will spend the most of our money, that's who I want to vote for. Take much more money off people please (not me of course) just other people and spend it. And borrow more too (so long as *I* never have to pay it back). Spend more on the NHS, spend more on our schools, pay us all higher wages. Bring prices down. The police - they need more too. And let's build some new prisons. And the armed forces - lets not forget them. GIve THEM more money too. Where will we get it all from? I don't care - just take it off other people. Those toffs and the like, yeah them. And the tax dodgers, that would solve all our problems. Unless we want to dodge paying tax, and then that's OK of course, coz it's fine to not pay your TV license for 20 years isn't it.
Bearing in mind Dianne Abbot has a migraine every time there is a difficult decision to make I am glad I voted Tory, the others will still be fighting amongst themselves at the next election.
As to A&E waiting times and all the other problems on the list do you hoenestly believe labour would have sorted it all out and everything would be lovely ?
Who else was there to vote for? Milliband.
So that is where the orange **** got that annoying hand gesture from
Doubt if any Tory Remainers are proud they voted Conservative.

I am.

I happen to think this is the worst Conservative government in decades and that our Prime MInister is useless. But nevertheless, it's the only choice since all other "options" are worse. (There are no other options, hence the quotes). And I did not expect, and nor would I want, our MPs to run rough-shod over the referendum result, so here we are. I'd rather a Tory government and us out of the EU, than any Labour government and us remaining in it.

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