Who is proud they voted Tory ?

Spend spend spend please. Which is the party who will spend the most of our money, that's who I want to vote for. Take much more money off people please (not me of course) just other people and spend it. And borrow more too (so long as *I* never have to pay it back). Spend more on the NHS, spend more on our schools, pay us all higher wages. Bring prices down. The police - they need more too. And let's build some new prisons. And the armed forces - lets not forget them. GIve THEM more money too. Where will we get it all from? I don't care - just take it off other people. Those toffs and the like, yeah them. And the tax dodgers, that would solve all our problems. Unless we want to dodge paying tax, and then that's OK of course, coz it's fine to not pay your TV license for 20 years isn't it.
I think it's that a lot of us dont believe these specific cuts are necessary when you see them trying to push through £17b figures that could soar for trident renewal and the like. All the arms sales which profit on is HUGE, but just a fraction of would make all the difference for NHS etc. They aren't acting in the people's interests. More than shoddy mismanagement across the board from Tory. You'd think Labour would take heed on the spending by now, pretty sure Tory borrowing soared anyway.
This, all day long.

You'd think so, wouldn't you.

On the other hand, this adversarial party system has served us pretty well for 500 years. I accept that it's far from perfect, and I am sure lots of MPs find it extremely frustrating when having to pedal a party line they don't believe in.

But my fear would be that without a party-based system, nothing big would ever get done. We'd vote in trivial stuff easy enough, but more major changes would continually get blocked and we'd swing one way and then the other, weaving a pretty straight line down the middle, never able to do the big changes. I dunno, and likely I never will.
Something like 2.5m additional visits to A&E last year compared to the year before. If the figures are correct that it costs £124 just to be seen that's £310m minimum. So before you consider anything else it costs £310m to stand still.

Can you tell me how the government are responsible for that?

A&E is the g.p.`s surgeries overflow
I think it's that a lot of us dont believe these specific cuts are necessary when you see them trying to push through £17b figures that could soar for strident renewal and the like. All the arms sales which profit on is HUGE, but just a fraction of would make all the difference for NHS etc. They aren't acting in the people's interests.

I don't agree. Keeping the country safe is the first responsibility of the government and we barely meet our 2% of GDP Nato defence spending commitment as it is. Sure in an ideal world we'd not need to spend anything on defence and we could spend all that money on things like the NHS, but sadly this is not the case today.

We'd all like to have a better health service and social care, but the reality is when people are asked FOR REAL whether they personally would pay more for it, everyone votes with their wallets. They are very happy for someone else to pay, so long as THEY don't have to. Look at the situation with Surrey County Council, who were set to hold a referendum on a 15% council tax increase to fix the social care crisis. The polls suggested they would have lost that referendum by about 75% - 25%. Only 1 person in 4 would have voted for it.
A&E is the g.p.`s surgeries overflow

Correct. And many people should not be there. Even in the TV article last night, there was a bloke being interviewed in A&E who had fallen and sprained his wrist and he was showing the doctor, waving his arm around freely, without a grimace or hinderance. I thought to myself, WTF are you doing in A&E??? The bloke said the last time he went to A&E, he waited 4 hours and then gave up and went home. To which I thought, "if that episode had been serious enough, surely you'd have waited 5, 6 or 10 hours or however long you needed in order to be seen." He probably shouldn't have been in A&E that time either.

There's a bunch of people who seem to think A&E is like a 24x7 outpatients clinic and ambulances are free taxi services to ferry them there and back. My mother-in-law being one such person, btw.
I voted labour but given my choice again I would vote Tory. I could never see a successful labour government in power while Corbyn is in charge
Disagree. Don't think a lot of the bad stuff under Tories would have happened under Labour, although I don't like Labour much either. However, the Tories are out to privatise much of the public sector unnecessarily.
Which labour are you talking about? Corbyn or the labour party at the last election? Maybe corbyn would be different, but the last labour govt were the darlings of the international arms trade kitting out every tin pot dictatorship going. Just a shame they couldn't adequately equip our own troops in Iraq.
They did spend more on public services, but it was all on the never never. They have also probably done as much as the current Tory govt to set the NHS up for privatisation BTW.
I'm not a Tory voter BTW, but if anyone that voted in 'new labour' thinks they were voting for something better they are deluded.
No, no, no, that's not it at all. You have to be rude and offensive to anyone with a slightly different view. That's they way it's done around here. I started out being polite, but after many years of practice, I have managed to perfect my "obnoxious twat" mode pretty well now I think. I think I am fitting in quite well now.

What I meant is, thanks for putting me off bacon forever you pig shagging fox hunting wankboys.

Oops it fell out..

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