Who is proud they voted Tory ?

I am.

I happen to think this is the worst Conservative government in decades and that our Prime MInister is useless. But nevertheless, it's the only choice since all other "options" are worse. (There are no other options, hence the quotes). And I did not expect, and nor would I want, our MPs to run rough-shod over the referendum result, so here we are. I'd rather a Tory government and us out of the EU, than any Labour government and us remaining in it.
Unbelievable Jeff!
A Remainer who's proud he voted in the very Government that brought about Brexit and which he now describes as 'the worst Conservative government in decades'.
Since you admit that you prefer the present Govt. and Brexit rather than Red Ed ( many of whose policies have been adopted - more borrowing, infrastructure spending,more state involvement etc, more emphasis on workers rights etc.) and Remain, your 'street cred' as a Remainer is significantly undermined.
I'd take a break from posting on the EU Referendum thread if I were you.
Unbelievable Jeff!
A Remainer who's proud he voted in the very Government that brought about Brexit and which he now describes as 'the worst Conservative government in decades'.
Since you admit that you prefer the present Govt. and Brexit rather than Red Ed ( many of whose policies have been adopted - more borrowing, infrastructure spending,more state involvement etc, more emphasis on workers rights etc.) and Remain, your 'street cred' as a Remainer is significantly undermined.
I'd take a break from posting on the EU Referendum thread if I were you.

Sorry to disappoint you Len!

I feel Brexit is at its heart not a completely stupid idea, merely one that is made unattractive by the pain and upheaval of extracting ourselves from the EU. Like an inoperably embedded bullet - not exactly desirable, but better to leave it in than try to remove it.

Labour policies are pretty much exclusively a bad idea, full stop.
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Sorry to disappoint you Len!

I feel Brexit is at its heart not a completely stupid idea, merely one that is made unattractive by the pain and upheaval of extracting ourselves from the EU. Like an inoperably embedded bullet - not exactly desirable, but better to leave it in than try to remove it.

Labour policies are pretty much exclusively a bad idea, full stop.
Strange then that many of Red Ed's policies have been adopted by May.
" The pain and upheaval of extracting ourselves from the EU" might be slightly worse than just 'unattractive'.
Lifelong Labour supporter but I'd take May or Cameron over Corbyn. The c@nt has taken us back 20 years.
Sorry to disappoint you Len!

I feel Brexit is at its heart not a completely stupid idea, merely one that is made unattractive by the pain and upheaval of extracting ourselves from the EU. Like an inoperably embedded bullet - not exactly desirable, but better to leave it in than try to remove it .

Chippy boy say : "Shooting yourself in foot is same as shooting yourself in head!" They should include these pearls of wisdom, like sage advice you find in fortune cookies, in every P45 they hand out in Brexit Britain, it'll be a hoot.

Labour policies are pretty much exclusively a bad idea, full stop.

I admire a man who knows his station.
The NHS in its current form is not viable but successive governments can't or wont change it because the voters who cry like little babies when it's at breaking point which it seems to have been forever will properly wet their knickers if they did. Each party just tries to blag their way through till the next election. 5 year election cycles based on party policies and the fuckwittery of the great British public means we shall be having this debate forever and a day.

You could just show repeats of question time and no one would be any the wiser. Apart from Robin Day being dead obviously.

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