Who is the player you have been most gutted about leaving city?

Joe mercer being ousted then leaving was for me the most despicable act of vandalism ever inflicted on a football club, but player wise the selling of Trevor Francis after the club had him advertising season tickets on Piccadilly radio was a fraud in itself, not just in footballing terms, I do know that he was being payed twice as much as he expected when he arrived but certain individuals on that board were ruthless? I could list a least a dozen who have already been mentions like Colin hendry Peter Barnes gary Owen steve Mckenzie Ian bishop Paul Stewart etc Ho and the great barny Daniels tragedy
I reckon Mark Lillis would give him a run for his money, especially if you take Bishop's second stint into account.

Yeah, you’re probably right, although for all sorts of reasons, that post Heysel, camera-shy, season of nondescript bleakness, remains a campaign that time forgot.
All I remember about Mark Lillis is a Jamie Pollock wet dream of pointless fist clenching
Paul walsh. He only stayed with us for a bit but made a huge impact. And what made it worse was that he left in a swap deal for gerry fuckin creaney. Was devastated.

Could never get my head around that, madness and never liked Creaney being ex Manky mob, definitely up front in the all time worst City XI
Michael Brown, Kinky & SWP all spring to mind for me :-( Kinky probably the most gutted i have felt so far though.

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