Who will be our main rivals this season?

Wouldn’t call it a rivalry but I see Leicester pushing on next season and challenging again in the next 2-3 seasons

Next season it will be Liverpool closest to us. Then Chelsea. United to drop out of the top 4

Leicester will take a step back next season, they'll be trying to do well in the CL and it will effect them.

This season they just sent out reserves to the Europa and didn't dedicate any resources to it.
Leeds a wild card. Maybe not next season but their time will come.

Leeds would be a great candidate to go on an early run and be top after 10 games or so, then drop down to 6th/7th as the season wears on.

They don't have the money to buy the depth they'd need for a long run, but they'll probably have a great offseason as they've got almost no internationals, and then no European competition to worry about.
The top 4 will be

This, everyone will strengthen for next year. Grealish, Sancho, Kane will probably be sold to any of the top 4 teams. Can't see Arsenal or Spurs doing much. Leicester and Leeds will be up there in the top 6.
Chelsea have the most talented squad of those named. Their manager is also pretty solid. Dippers have the best coach and a very strong starting XI if healthy. Rags have a mediocre coach and a bunch of talent but it isn’t very complementary.
I think we are favourites
Chelsea well we’ll have to see if Tuchel can drive them over a full season
Liverpool will improve ( but given their style and age I think they might burn out)
Rags hmm a lot depends on who they buy.
Can see Leicester being affected by CL demands on their squad
Spurs will probably still be Spurs
Arsenal meh
I think if Ancelloti gets the backing he could get Everton moving to the fringes
Same at Leeds if Bielsa can build them.
Chelsea with a proper pre-season for their still-new manager to bed in along with a couple of new signings will probably be closest. Rags will just throw some money at a couple of big names and hope they fit as usual. Seems to be a bit of dissension in the ranks in Dipperland (especially up top). Needs some rebuilding and not sure Klopp is the right man to achieve that with a shoestring budget that the owners will provide.
Looking at the mayhem at Man Utd, I wonder what will happen when 70k turn up at their home games.

They wont all be MIBs but under the cover of numbers they can stop any game they like.

This should concern us because they have the power to implode the season. If we can't win. We will stop your football.
Depends on the summer. Sign dm and st and we won’t have a rival

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