who would take 4th

Nope top 2 for me. BTW - Chelsea are getting beat as well but are still favourite for the title.
I never take pre season as any indicator of how a team will do in the up coming season, but I admit im slightly worried, I stress only slightly at the moment, but we dont seem to be playing to any kind of system what so ever. Losing a pre season game doesn't bother me but I expect to see something that is clicking or a system thats shows signs for optimism, sadly im not, however like I said im not panicking.
On the question of fourth, yes I'd bite your hand off for it, its the next step for us, I have actually tipped us for a comfortable 3rd, not being involved in the title race, but having a nice points cushion away from the fourth place tug of war. But I stress I'd take fourth, without a shadow of doubt.
Fourth may not get Champs League We need the English clubs to do well in this season's ECL including Spurs qualifying otherwise England could loose out to Germany
I'd have always taken 4th, so yes I would.

avoidconfusion said:
If we keep playing like this we will not even make it into the top 6. I don't even want to think about what would happen then.... pretty sure the Sheikh will have had enough then.
Pretty certain he won't have.
How about we all just breathe deeply, count to ten, put on a dry pair of knickers and remember that this is a congested pre-season without 50% of our first team and without our manager for the last two fixtures.
kramer said:
Fourth may not get Champs League We need the English clubs to do well in this season's ECL including Spurs qualifying otherwise England could loose out to Germany

That cant be right i remember if Bayern didnt make the final last season that germany would lose there 4th spot, or was that Inter and italy, either way neither those countries done great until last season while England had teams in 5 consecutive finals until last season
I have always said its about progression so 4th would do me, a trophy would help us move forward to. As for pre season it has been dreadful, i expect to at least see spells in a game where you can see it coming together, maybe even dictate for a while, last night i thought Yaya looked fed up, our central defence looked unsure of their future, but lets be honest we have moved forward so much in many ways which makes me despair seeing platt on the sidelines
Personally I would only take 4th if the Rags finish 5th or lower. Right now I would consider taking 3rd as it looks increasingly likely that we won't be adding much strength to our current squad.

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