Who's going to Lech Poznan? Squeaky Bum Time!!!

cityjo said:
2 of us would be intrested in mini bus to luton..

Ive looked into getting a mini bus of some sort to get a load of us down to Luton but I dont think its cost effective? There would have to be quite a few of us?

I know there was a little bit of interest for some thing to be put on.

Anyway, ive found something else. National Express from Chorlton Street direct to Luton Airport. Leaves 23:59 Wed 3rd Nov and return think it was about 11am ish Friday 5th Nov. £38 return?
foley87 said:
If we can get 35/45 of us we'd be looking at 28/35 return

We've booked the National express one now. £38 return. Gets us to Luton airport at 5am for our 8:10am flight. Im sorted now. Cant wait?
Flying from Liverpool to Berlin on 2nd with the easyjet

Night in Berlin then train wednesday to Poznan

Wednesday and thursday night in Poznan in a recommended cheeky little hotel coming in at a miserly £29 squid a night for 2 peeps
Got top ratings on tripadvisor.
Hotel Campanile
Unbelievabubble but true! only £29

Friday train back to Berlin and Easyjet back to scouseland
Going with the missus again but this time tagging along with some chaps on a pub run.

But the best BEST bit of the trip (well obviously not the bestest bit )
but near as damn it will be flying back into uk on bonfire night
Gettin speedy boarding on return so no Jasper can nick the window seat off me.
Expect they'l be in big big demand
Should be Happy days

Any of the chaps from Dortmundo and Limericks going .
Hope to see a few familier faces out there.
Hope they do shepards pie

aka Mutley

Going to see if juve is viable
Prices seem to be soaring on the airfares :-0

Happy days

Lowest cost flights from Manny I can see for juve is Manny to Turin with B.A for £210 but then obviously digs on top.

If i cant do the Juve then I might just pop on for the Vonn Trapp run
Looks a nice place does Saltzburg.
Well done Mutley, yes we are all going to Salzburg, Poznan and Turin. looking forward to the Sheperds Pie and a few scoops. Got some photos from Dortmund. Singapore Airlines to Munich(hope it's not snowing) the a 2 hour train ride to Salzburg. Poznan will probably go with Spikes tours and for the Juve game we are flying to Nice in France and driving to Turin and back to Nice after the match. Will keep you posted mate.
we are going on abit of a trip thats cheap as cheaps........

Weds 17-15pm Liverpool to Lodz £21
Taxi to Lodz centre - £6
Hostel Flamingo - £12

Thurs Train to Poznan takes just over 4 hours - £10 ish - waiting on Polrail for booking.........
Hostel Melody ensuite room over looking the square in Poznan £25

Friday 09:23 Train to Berlin £24 get into Berlin for lunchtime, all dayer
Taxi to Airport - £??
21-45pm ish Berlin to Liverpool £25

Not sure on the cost of the taxi to Berlin airport but i reckon so far.... all in thats about £123 plus ale and some grub.
Hadgebayor Mutley here.

Whats your name were you from the 1st oldham brigade who we met on monday night in Limericks
Or from the blakely troup on the beaches ?
Sorry Hadge Im just trying to picture you

Let us have a gander at them piccies
Pm'd the email addy to u
How long you doing on the Poznan run
In fact whats your plans for them all ?

Dispondant today
We cant afford to lose early points to what I would have thought was an easy outing. Then again look at the rags away last year with little Burnley;
Nowt's a done deal.

Glad when Boeteng and Kolorov better.
Believe they would have added strenth today.
Not the greatest fan of Lescots at the moment

Dearly luv to be able to go on all 3 and am trying like mad at the computer to conjure up different routes and ways to get around these greedy airlines to reduce the costs.
Soon as they get wind of a popular route selling up then "bang" up goes the price.

Poznan already booked as said except the train from berlin to poland
Not sure on the Baur train website it lists about 8 differnt Poznans when u input from Berlin to Poznan.
Think I will email em to be safe as they just may be different getting off stops around the actual gaff itself.

Regards to all the lads.

Did try to pm u but not sure if it went through as just finished work and had a few scoops and pretty much non compus mentos.

I do know one thing.
This time were not supping as much on the match day.
We was on the lash with everyone from 10.am till 8 pm in Dorty and then followed through with 4 more plastic cups of lager at the game.
Up the next morning for breakie talking to other half over a crusty bacon croissant about what a good 3-1 win we had over the germans.

See you all shortly

Happy days ;
just booked outgoing flight from liv to poznan for £80 and campanile for £60 /2 nights.
havent decided on return leg .is train easier/cheaper/safer from posnan to berlin or wroclaw ? regards john
xmusampa said:
just booked outgoing flight from liv to poznan for £80 and campanile for £60 /2 nights.
havent decided on return leg .is train easier/cheaper/safer from posnan to berlin or wroclaw ? regards john

Easier, cheaper,safer & faster is from Poznań to Wrocław ;)

Trains to Wrocław departs from Poznań every hour ( distance 165km, time: 2h30m, prize: £8-12 )
If You have any question about Poznań, Lech's Stadium just ask, I will try to help.

Cheers from Poznań :)

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