Why after today has Mancini lost the fans?

Although I think changing managers again would be detrimental, we can't keep performing like this and still expect to be considered a Champions League team.

It's like buying a sports car and having it break down every week, despite the fact that you have bought loads of new parts for loads of money. If the owner doesn't drive and maintain it properly it soon becomes a wreck. Now, there will be other parts that could be bought to rectify the problem, but that will cost you a fortune. We can avoid these problems if we learn to drive and maintain it properly and that is a lesson we have to learn.

Bobby Manc needs to retake his test and buy himself a Haynes manual otherwise he will wreck our car and leave us with the bill. I don't think we are quite there yet but there is smoke coming out of the exhaust.

Let's get it sorted fast so we can enjoy many miles of happy motoring and drive past the dealership instead of into it.

I'll admit I haven't read all 21 pages of this thread in detail, but I'm stunned so much of the fans' focus is on the style (lack thereof). That's not even close to the top of the list of the reasons why he has lost me. If the guy was smart enough to play this kind of football and get the necessary results I'd have no problem, but he has proven he clearly isn't. Consider this:

Despite all the off-season spending, Mancini has the team on a slower points per game rate than throughout his stint last season.
Despite the spending, we're on pace for the same points tally as last season, i.e. proof of ZERO improvement.
Shit signings such as Koralov, Balotelli, Dzeko, etc. while giving the boot to at least a couple of guys who have proven to be more capable than said signings. Yes I get the point that those signings may improve with time in the EPL, but with all the money spent he needed to make the right moves to have us improve THIS season.
The acceptance of mediocrity and failure, like deciding before the game that we were no chance to have a go at Chelsea and beat them. Like taking a striker off for a largely defensive-minded midfielder when the score was 0-0 at home to Birmingham. Like taking an attacker off for a defender when behind at Wolves. We all know all of that is disgraceful and unacceptable, it has just taken a lot of us a while to admit it.

Can't speak for other fans but this is why he lost me. If we miss top four he must go, no questions asked.
Not a good day for Bobby yesterday; I thought by now he'd understand that we would actually not mind losing AS LONG AS we fucking go for it. We might have got turned over at Arsenal / Spurs if we had gone for it (or we might have won) but that mentality would have seen us beat Birmingham, Blackburn, Fulham etc so it is worth it in the long run
For people saying:I'm prepared to give him 1 more season to see if he can improve things and give everybody time to settle and get to know each other properly.:I think there could be a real danger that the Sheikh could just cut his losses and walk away feeling he's flogging a dead horse and feeding a bottomless,fruitless moneypit.One more season of this type of football could have catastrophic consequences for our club.
anymore than 2sheiks said:
For people saying:I'm prepared to give him 1 more season to see if he can improve things and give everybody time to settle and get to know each other properly.:I think there could be a real danger that the Sheikh could just cut his losses and walk away feeling he's flogging a dead horse and feeding a bottomless,fruitless moneypit.One more season of this type of football could have catastrophic consequences for our club.

Hope he tells the council...they seem to have a lot riding on the Sheik sticking around for a while yet!
RBmk2 said:
anymore than 2sheiks said:
For people saying:I'm prepared to give him 1 more season to see if he can improve things and give everybody time to settle and get to know each other properly.:I think there could be a real danger that the Sheikh could just cut his losses and walk away feeling he's flogging a dead horse and feeding a bottomless,fruitless moneypit.One more season of this type of football could have catastrophic consequences for our club.

Hope he tells the council...they seem to have a lot riding on the Sheik sticking around for a while yet!
The danger is there though.How can he get people on board in his own country or indeed the wider world with his ambitious plans to make us a global brand when the product on offer has no entertainment value at all? Since the takeover,our 2 most high profile signings have A:Left and B:Put in a transfer request.
The reason people are turning is - he does not have the winning mentality that he goes on about and says we need.

How many times do you see Rags / Chelsea / Arsenal / even Spuds / Real Mad / Barca / Bayern etc play for a 0-0 draw - NEVER

His signings haven't been brilliant as yet considering the money he's spent, and the football can be boring at times although we have played some great stuff at also so shows we have the ability.

Jose apparently played boring football ( i dissagree) but he knows how to win and definatlely has the belief in the players he plays to win any game.
I have posted before that I think changing managers would put us back to square one but I am now beginning to have my doubts.

I suppose there is the school of thought that almost anyone could take the group of players and facilities that we have and get us in the top 5 and I am beginning to think that this might be true.

I liked Mancini because of his track record and also the fact that I think he was going to instil the winning mentality that successful sides need so I was prtepared to put up with the generally dull approach and boring football but it just does not seem to be getting any better. It's not so much the result yesterday since Chelsea are a good side but it is the results against Wolves away, Fulham, Brum and Blackburn at home, Birmingham away not to mention the games against the teams around us where if we had gone out a bit more atatcking we might have got the extra wins that would have seen us nicely in 3rd or even challenging for the title.
I'm amazed that so many people see yesterday as some sort of tipping point. We've played no differently since the start of the season. The limitations have been there since day one. Post Christmas even the rest of the league had us figured out for all intents and purposes - hence our poor run of form.

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