Why are most (none old-guard) opposing teams and fans so gullible?

Try to answer this as honestly as you can.

If our guy had bought Everton, as he was rumoured to be considering. And our fortunes had been identically reversed ever since then, what do you reckon you’d think of Everton round about now?
Try to answer this as honestly as you can.

If our guy had bought Everton, as he was rumoured to be considering. And our fortunes had been identically reversed ever since then, what do you reckon you’d think of Everton round about now?
Probably the same has what Everton fans think right now tbh.
There is without doubt a certain amount of jealousy. In the 'barren years' I have to admit I would wonder how the likes of Wimbledon, Coventry, Luton, Portsmouth etc.. much 'smaller clubs' for want of a better word could win something and City couldn't get their act together and just win at least 1 trophy (just 1 bloody FA Cup or League Cup I would think!) When Chelsea had all that money poured in I would also think 'why wasn't it us?'.
A lot of opposing fans do admire the actual football we play it must be said imo. At a recent fairly 'rourine 'CL victory I was thinking, although not a game that would linger long in the memory we still at times played the kind of football other teams (and us not so long ago) could only dream about.
The main factor (as others have said )for the bitterness has to be the brainwashing from the mainstream media, which these days is of such low quality (Do people actually believe anything what is written in The Sun or the Daily Mail?).
Most City fans will accept that if we have broken rules that clearly gave us an advantage we will have to face consequences.
However, I have not seen one decent, well researched article on why we have 'cheated so much ' and in what way.Has anyone also ever seen anything written from the perspective of us not having 'cheated' and we have been unfairly vilified?
Because the Media and most of the so called 'expert' pundits who have allegiances to the 'old guard' say we have blood on our hands clearly we have.
Racism arguably could also well be a factor.
(What we're those papers I mentioned again)
I just think it’s because the majority of fans are too stupid to form their own opinion based on the evidence, or too lazy to read the facts. Usually a combination of both. It’s therefore much easier just to repeat the lies and outrage echoed around social media and Sky by noisy gobshites who are equally stupid but paid for their opinions.
Nope, it's still jealousy. Any other real fan, not some plastic on twitter, would kill for what's happened to us
Try to answer this as honestly as you can.

If our guy had bought Everton, as he was rumoured to be considering. And our fortunes had been identically reversed ever since then, what do you reckon you’d think of Everton round about now?
I was drooling over the players Chelsea were buying when it first happened to them and was excited to watch these players live.

Social media has helped media brainwash all generations into believing whatever they want these days or at least be more accepting of things, it doesn't matter about the subject matter at hand the propagandists tactics usually always work with whatever they want to spread.

Right now there's a media full of journalists who grew up watching the redshirt brigade dominate, lots of them are part of the redshirt brigade fanbases plenty from day one have spewed their hatred of all things City, this has slowly in the past decade crept into the mindset of many other fans who read their little digs here and there but initially didn't care much, because that's all it was at first small sly digs probably up until 2017/18 and then those digs became much louder, their opinions have become more hatefully vociferous towards us they can't stand that we're winning, they've latched onto any reason they can to slander us and unfortunately the masses have ate this all up without doing any research.

For instance it's now an accepted truth despite being completely false that we only won our CAS case because of the time barred stuff, despite the fact the time barred stuff also had zero evidence of any wrongdoing except for one charge we'd already had punishment for, you can't be guilty of the same thing twice yet those journalists gripped onto the time barred stuff and parroted it until it became the truth.

It's all about compliance people are complying to indoctrination and they don't believe they're actually indoctrinated either, plenty can't think critically for themselves in this generation it's quite shameful really and right now it's probably the worst it's ever been.

Many can't understand why Everton have been punished and not us despite the clear and obvious surrounding both situations, Everton have actually admitted wrongdoing of the charges against them and for that their case has been dealt with very quickly, while we're fighting all the charges and vehemently deny it all so this obviously takes time to build a defence against and for them to prove it.

Most people are spending too much time online believing every single word that City hating journalists spew about us... They're being gaslighted by these journalists it's somehow become cool to hate us nowadays. With these fans they don't care about our arguments just like a pigeon playing chess if you're winning the pigeon doesn't care, it doesn't care for logic or in having a calm chat about it all, it'll just jump right on to that chessboard cos you're winning, then proceed to flap all the pieces off with its wings and shit all over the chessboard.

Most people are ignoring the possibility of having a civilised discussion talking about the complexities of our case, instead choosing to just parrot the number of charges against us over and over again. Remember that even when/if we win this case and when we try to prove our point in the future with clear cut evidence, other fans will not care about the truth they'll just be incoherent pigeons, they'll knock the chess pieces off the board taking a shit on that chessboard as you're winning the argument.

Moral of the story is don't care and don't argue with these pigeon headed bastards there's no reasoning with them at all, the sooner you understand that you can let them get on with their brainwashing and you can go about supporting us.

Try to answer this as honestly as you can.

If our guy had bought Everton, as he was rumoured to be considering. And our fortunes had been identically reversed ever since then, what do you reckon you’d think of Everton round about no

Try to answer this as honestly as you can.

If our guy had bought Everton, as he was rumoured to be considering. And our fortunes had been identically reversed ever since then, what do you reckon you’d think of Everton round about now?
I would be delighted for them and would be happy they were keeping the rags and Liverpool away from trophies. Always hsd sympathy with Everton in spite of some very scary trips to Goodison they had similar experiences in Moss Side. Like us they have had a red monkey on their back yet stayed loyal. Think they might benefit from a year out of the prem to regroup, enjoyed some championship seasons especially with Royle then Keegan.

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