Why are most (none old-guard) opposing teams and fans so gullible?

Gaslighting. Tell a lie often enough for long enough and it becomes truth.
They aren't stupid, they are just humans. Humans want to be led and not think for themselves, especially about something which confirms their own prejudices.
Don't think hard, let others do that for you and tell you the answers.
The Human Condition exploited mercilessly by folk making money out of them.
Gaslighting. Tell a lie often enough for long enough and it becomes truth.
They aren't stupid, they are just humans. Humans want to be led and not think for themselves, especially about something which confirms their own prejudices.
Don't think hard, let others do that for you and tell you the answers.
The Human Condition exploited mercilessly by folk making money out of them.

Tell me you understand my plight and tell me who is to blame, and why…especially if you sprinkle some truth into the myriad lies…and I’ll believe EVERY WORD!

Now, multiply it via social media and supposed “news” outlets and you’ve got me…hook, line and sinker!

People have neither the time, nor inclination, to do actual personal research and will accept almost anything you wrap in a bow for them, especially if it already fits neatly with the narrative they were leaning towards already.

I don’t need to list the very powerful people who have specialized in this kind of manipulation, do I? So, it’s hardly novel that people within football, especially those seeking to control the game at the highest levels, would continually propagate the City-Money-Cheat narrative at every opportunity, is it?!

It works!
1. we, as city fans have made sure we fully understand the levity of the accusations, what they entail, what they relate to, and what needs to be proven. For that reason most of us think the charges are bollocks and therefore there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

2. most non city fans are not bothered about the evidence but different media sources all agree that city have broken rules around financial fair play and that is good enough for them

3. most non city fans think we are guilty, but most importantly, the media have done a brilliant job of ‘suggesting’ to them that we will possibly get away without punishment because we can afford the best legal defence…..and didn’t we get off on a technicality against UEFA....despite being guilty….classic no win situation for us
It's mainly overseas online fans these days that continually spout rubbish. Most have never been to a premier league game in their lives. That also applies to a lot of fans from here who never actually go to the games. They had years of parading around London, Kent and elsewhere in the redshirt jerseys getting reflected glory from their team's success. They are the equivalent of the kids who sided with the school bully and lorded it over the other kids under his protection. Then a weaker kid grew stronger, kicked the bullies arse and they all cry it isn't fair.

They hate us because we've stolen some of their reflected glory. I've spoken to lots of opposition fans actually at games and the majority love our football and what we are doing. They know most of us were there when we were shit.

Football fans are just people in general. For everyone who reads about a lottery winner and wishes them good luck, there will be a hundred jealous and pissed off it isn't them. These people will rejoice at every negative event that befalls them after their win. It's human nature, taking schadenfreude pleasure in others misery.

As for Chelsea I loved it when they put the redshirts noses out of joint. Sure I was pissed it wasn't us that somebody to invested millions in, but I remember them when they were shit and like us the majority of their fans stuck with them
I was chatting to an older Port Vale season ticket holder yesterday at Fuerteventura airport and he told me he hated United and Liverpool but he thinks City should be relegated because we are cheats.
I asked him how we have cheated and he said we have broken the rules hence the 115 charges.
What are the charges I asked him..he said he didn't really know as he doesn't follow the Premier league.
I just laughed and said don't believe everything you hear about City..try engaging your fucking brain for once..
That's all I ever get, "City cheated spending money they haven't got" "So Sheik Mansour is spending money he hasn't got?" "you're at it and everybody knows you are" " How exactly?" " You just are, its common Knowledge"
Try to answer this as honestly as you can.

If our guy had bought Everton, as he was rumoured to be considering. And our fortunes had been identically reversed ever since then, what do you reckon you’d think of Everton round about now?
I'd be jealous it wasn't us but happy that they were denying the Red ugly sisters of Trophies, season after season
Just remember:
A third of the world live in poverty. People are dying in their thousands in Gaza and Ukraine. Global warming is an existential threat.
1. we, as city fans have made sure we fully understand the levity of the accusations, what they entail, what they relate to, and what needs to be proven. For that reason most of us think the charges are bollocks and therefore there is no evidence of wrongdoing.

2. most non city fans are not bothered about the evidence but different media sources all agree that city have broken rules around financial fair play and that is good enough for them

3. most non city fans think we are guilty, but most importantly, the media have done a brilliant job of ‘suggesting’ to them that we will possibly get away without punishment because we can afford the best legal defence…..and didn’t we get off on a technicality against UEFA....despite being guilty….classic no win situation for us
What do we need lawyers for, if we are innocent?

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