Why do you support Manchester City?

I was born in London and by rights should have ended up a Arsenal supporter like my dad. Moved up north when I was little and my dad started to go to City with the next door neighbour - they took me along in 1972 - and that was it.
Pokes28 said:
Thanks for the well wishes guys. If you happen to see a guy wearing an orange OSU ball cap, I'm pretty sure that will be me.

Haha. You wear an OSU cap to a City game and I took a City sign to the OSU game last week. You can find me in that pic they took at the end of the first quarter.

Glad you took the time to post about the similarities between OSU and City. I've often thought about the similar paths both have taken the last 5 years or so. Another example is the OSU Athletic Village and the Etihad Campus.

Anyway - have fun. And travel safe.
Born and dragged up in Chadderton, with a dad ( God Bless Him, RIP) who followed Rugby League and thought all footballers were ' pufters' , soft and actors.
Thankfully at the age of 9 (in 1966) one of my mums friends from work was a blue and offered to take me to Maine Road ......the rest as they say, is History!!!
I've been thru the lot with my beloved blues and now have to pinch myself of 'where we are' and more so 'where we are heading'.
Enjoy the future blues , it's only going to get better.
growing up in Withington the roar from Maine Rd, lots of family connections to City, but the clincher was watching us lose to Newcastle in the cup final.
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
As per thread title.

In my case all our side of the family were blues, my Dad went to the record breaking Stoke City cup game at Maine Road in '34 as a nipper, and he used to take me to Maine road to watch Bert, Waggy and Nelly as a kid....

Was it simply you were brought up as a blue, or is there some other reason?

I was born and raised in Austin, Texas and I grew up playing soccer. I have no ties to Manchester. When I was 15 I tried out for the best club in Austin and made the team, and the colors were sky blue and white. At the time, the only way to follow professional footy was through Soccer America newspaper and the occasional Sunday Times at a bookstore. I didn't have a single team that I followed, but rather followed the sport through papers/magazines and the occasional late night program like Soccer Sensations Made In Germany with Toby Charles, and 1990 World Cup and Mexican league games on Spanish language channel Univision.

One late night in 1991 when I should have been in bed hours before, one of our sports channels showed Manchester City vs Arsenal at Maine Road. Manchester City had the same color uniforms as my club team, which matters to a 16-year old kid. The game was so much stronger and faster than the German highlights or Mexican games. City won 1-0 from a David White goal and that planted the seed. City finished 5th or 6th that season and that made the seed grow, and the next season the Premier League started up and I was able to see the occasional City match on TV. I always looked for their results in the papers or magazines I subscribed to.

I knew I was hooked when I continued to look for City's results even after relegation to Division 1, and then Division 2 thanks to the MCIVTA newsletter. During the Division 2 season I was at college and I followed the season through MCIVTA and other websites, and when City beat Wigan in the semi-finals I spent all the money I had saved up from working for the past 2 semesters on a plane ticket to London. Through MCIVTA I met a very nice family that hosted my friend and I for a week and helped us find a ticket to the playoff final against Gillingham. To this day THAT game at Wembley in 1999 is the only time I have seen City play live, and the best sports moment I have been a part of.

I have added a couple other City fans to the small, but growing number of City fans in Austin, and I have met several expats that have welcomed us into the ranks of Blues supporters. I started supporting City because of the team colors, but I have remained a City fan for 22 years because I felt like a part of a family. Blues are good people.
My old man and granddad took me to a game in 1969 at Maine Road, since then, I honestly cannot understand how anyone can go through life without being a Manchester City Fan, its in the blood as far as I am concerned.
I'm proud to be a City fan.. CTID

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