Why do you support Manchester City?

The Brothers at the monastery where I was raised insisted on it as part of my self flagellation routine.

Whilst some of their teaching methods still haunt every hour of my miserable existence, I do have this one act of visionary kindness to thank them for, something for which I will be eternally grateful.
Born and raised a blue, my Dad told me I had a choice when I was about 10 but being as he was my hero I was always going to blindly follow him. That choice brought me many a sad and distressful time. Having said that I was with my Dad on May 13th 2012 to witness something neither me or him thought we would see as City bumbled around the leagues like a drunk on a ketamine trip
My Dad grew up living in a pub at the Knott Mill end of Deansgate (The Railway, sadly no longer there) like most kids he, and his brother, would go to City one week United the next but City were always 'their team'. When I was born we lived on Thornton Road, before moving to Withington and he started taking me to Maine Road in the mid 60's at the start of the Mercer / Allison years. As a football mad 7 year old you couldn't fail to be hooked by a team containing Colin Bell, Mike Summerbee, Neil Young and Franny Lee. City provided me with some fantastic childhood memories.
My Dad started taking me to matches in the 80s. Most of my school friends were rags but despite the temptations I became hooked and I've never looked back. That Pearce season was the closest I came to not renewing but realistically that's never going to happen unless I can't afford it or become too ill to go. The modern day match experience is not what it was but you sometimes have glimpses of it and away games are still pretty good. My Dad's not well enough to go anymore but I still enjoy chatting to him about my trips Following City. It's never been about winning or losing for me,
I was indoctrinated by family. B****rds* (only applicable until 2010, thereafter justification is allowed).

I was born in Manc.

I like blue.

Why not?
I admire the underdog ..before I got into the premier league my team was Real Madrid (just like almost every South American) when the whole robinho saga happened and he forced his way out and went to city I had no clue who city was ..I became fascinated how the underdog that most outside of England never really heard of managed to lure a player like that over the other big clubs..but when I saw his reception and the support he was given by city I felt that this is the kind of club for me ..and when my first massive disappointment with city occurred when crouch got the winner against us in the final match to knock us out of a champions league spot that huge disappointment made my bond with city stronger..and from there it grew stronger then I've ever had with any team or organization of any kind..now I'm City until I die I bleed blue and if sheik decided to leave I will remain here and my kids kids kids kids will all be blues
My dad forced me and my brother to go to Maine Road through the third division years.... tight g*t!

I liked the fact I could actually go to the games and watch City as opposed to my friends just watching United on the tele!

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