Why do you support Manchester City?

My dad is a City fan, he took me and my brother to our first game in early 1987. I was hooked and a City fan ever since, my brother not so much. He wasn't overly interested and a few years later decided he was a United fan, ostensibly to piss off me and my dad, and because all his mates were United fans. He's a bit of a twat like that. Suffice to say my dad and I are season ticket holders and my brother, prior to emmigrating to Australia 4 months ago, only went to United when his father-in-law managed to get free corporate seats through work.
I live in the US now and run into a lot of the "newer" fans these past few years. Absolute truth here - they are ALL people that I probably would have liked anyway. Just a good bunch of people with the right idea, enthusiasm, and attitude. I'm not just saying that because of this forum, either.

Almost all of them cite "American rags being just insufferable pricks" as a big reason they chose to support City. Some things, then, seem to be universal.
all my mums side of the family are blues and i was all so named after franny lee (im just glad they chose lee and not francis)
Matty said:
My dad is a City fan, he took me and my brother to our first game in early 1987. I was hooked and a City fan ever since, my brother not so much. He wasn't overly interested and a few years later decided he was a United fan, ostensibly to piss off me and my dad, and because all his mates were United fans. He's a bit of a twat like that. Suffice to say my dad and I are season ticket holders and my brother, prior to emigrating to Australia 4 months ago, only went to United when his father-in-law managed to get free corporate seats through work.

This is a perfect little summary of what it is to be a Rag.
You can decide to have sex with someone, but you can't decide to love someone.

It just happens.
Back in the day , like a lot of Mancunian families then , my Gran and Grandad would go City one week and rags the next , whoever was at home .
Hence my first ever match was at Old Scaffold in 1968 as a seven year old . l remember being at the front with that silly little white picket fence they used to have .
lt just didn't feel right and l didn't like any of the kids around me or any of their players who included Best , Charlton etc . lt made my skin crawl and even at such a young age l saw right through it .

Following week l was perched at the front of the Kippax surrounded by real people with soul and character .
As the sky blue jerseys proudly jogged out of the tunnel on to the hallowed Maine Road turf my Grandad whispered in my ear .....' this is our team , son ' .....
Fucking right it is ! , the best team in all the land and all the world .
Born in Manchester, into a City supporting family, living and working in Manchester. Includes grandparents, uncles, nephews, nieces, cousins etc. Christened Michael after Summerbee (if I’d have been a girl I would have been Alison, apparently). Taken to my first game at the age of two. Sat with my Dad in the main stand until the age of 16, when for my 16th birthday I was given a season ticket in the Kippax. Have had a season ticket ever since (30 years). My Mrs is a blue, as is all her family. My son’s a blue (season card holder).

I've never quite understood these families that are half City, half scum. Just would not be allowed to happen in our family. If I’d have come home one day wearing a rag shirt I’d have been out of that door quicker than shit through a goose and if I’d have married a rag no one from my side of the family would have gone to the wedding.

When I hear ‘Hark now hear, City sing…’ I often think that song could have been written about someone like me.

No choice is therefore my answer. I don’t even like football.
went with my dad in 1965 , sat me on the wall of the kippax , night match . been a blue ever since. god bless you dad ctwd

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