Why do you support Manchester City?

toddluvzgta said:
overseas Canuck fan here, but with no Manc roots whatsoever. hated all the brainfed-red rags that I met, especially the Asian ones. thought to myself never did feel any affection for the other big clubs. hate Roman Abramovich and Chelsea. hate Arsenal and hated Thierry Henry, who will go down forever as a cheat. had one hand-me-down rag kit that i managed to sell off easily to a fool, although a city fan on another blue forum suggested that i burn it; wasn't too keen on that idea though (giggle) and got rid of it fairly quickly. bought a lot of blue kits. so why not keep pledging my allegiance? and yes Thaksin and the takeover after and the fandom are all reasons. i was definitely impressed by all that black cash that was gonna be splashed around like it was loose change. the 6-1 just confirmed that City were the right choice but i wouldn't have winced about it if City didn't end up winning the title. still would have stuck with City if that QPR match had ended in embarrassment. call me a gloryhunter if you like for I have confessed now, but City have one of the greatest sets of footy fans in the world, if not the greatest. will make the pilgrimage over someday, probably to an expanded Etihad

Where abouts are you in the GTA mate?
My Dad's uncle, Jimmy Goodchild was a keeper for City in the 30's and played in the cup final, and my Dads familly are staunch blues. I didn't have a choice, but wouldn't have had it any other way!!
Only a choice of red or blue where I lived. Dad said he'll throw me out if I turned red. Scared the sh.. out of me as I had no job. Hard to get one aged 3 really ;-)
It's all Franny Lee's fault. Dad won his shirt in some raffle. I was 5 at the time and that was it.
Moved to Manchester to do a Masters got a high up flat just on the outskirts of the Northern Quarter. The brightly lit Etihad was most of my view. Loved football all my life playing and as an armchair fan but hadn't been to a game. Girlfriend got us tickets for City vs Liverpool and absolutely fell in love with the club.

Now season ticket holders been at the title win, the heart breaking cup final journey and even the tiny little games like Timisoara and the EDS.

I wasn't born it, but now I sure am City Till I Die.
ColinBellsjockstrap said:
As per thread title.

In my case all our side of the family were blues, my Dad went to the record breaking Stoke City cup game at Maine Road in '34 as a nipper, and he used to take me to Maine road to watch Bert, Waggy and Nelly as a kid....

Was it simply you were brought up as a blue, or

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