Why do you support Manchester City?

I started siding with City in the 2007/08 season. My dad is an Evertonian, and eventually, I decided I needed to take up a club. When I was younger,my dad tried to make me an Everton fan, but it never felt right. Then I decided to get a newspaper ,find a league table and close my eyes and randomly pick 1....luckily it came to City ,and have never looked back. I swore to always support them with my heart,and it has been an amazing experience.

In that season I felt the joy of doing a double over the rags : A deflected goal by Geovanni to win 1-0 and then 2-1 at their place...remembering exactly how Benjani scored for us. Of course,I had fun at school, cause here in Malta, most people are either man UTD or Liverpool, me being the only City fan in all my school years.

Anyway, I hope to one day go see a match IRL,the atmosphere on TV sounds amazing. Ive become very passionate about City, and I have almost never missed a match (in fact, in the last 3 seasons, I only recall missing last seasons match vs West Ham due to an exam). I also hope to get to know more City fans in due time to share the experience

My hatred for United and dislike for Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool and Spurs is what pushed me to support City. I admit I started supporting City in the 2008/09 season after the big buyout but that's when I really started watching EPL and City at the time had Robinho so I was interested in seeing how he would perform. Also because I also support Inter, I was interested to see how Mancini (and Balotelli later on) would do after a successful period at Inter and that's when I just fell in love with City. The supporters are great (and very underrated) and the fans seem generally friendly unlike those of other clubs. Tbh, there's too many fans of those other teams here in oz and whats a better team to support than the rivals of your most hated team?
Born in Jersey in the late 60s my family moved to didsbury before buying our first house in Ewan st in the early 70s.

My dad was a avid rag but I couldn't do it . The sign of the devil on their shirts?!!!

It was blue for me and my first strip was a city strip when I was about 5 but the miserable bugger wouldn't let me have the home strip! He refused to take me to Maine rd but one of my uncles came over from jersey and took me to see city newcastle . I am sure it was 1977 and the bloody match was called off when we got there due to fog!! Typical waited all them years to see Bell, Watson and co.
My family have Blues a long time. My great grand dad had a Cycle repair shop in Ancoat's at the turn of the last century and used to go to Hyde Road, he took my granddad there for the first time when he was 10 in 1912. Both went to the first game at Maine Road, they were living in Collyhurst then.
They were season tickert holders through the 1930's but both died in the 1940's.
My dad born in 1938 first went to Maine Road with his Uncle in 1949. He went to both cup final in the 50's and was a season ticket holder until the mid-70's when he had other stuff to do.
I became season ticket holder in 1985. I have two lads both City fans, our family knows no other way.
There will be 15 City fans for Xmas dinner tomorrow and one rag.
Pretty simple, my Dad supports them and raised me to do so too. My Dad, not being native to Manchester, chose them because he always used to work over the weekend in Manchester in the early-70s, and one Saturday he got offered a free ticket from a Blue colleague of his and he ended up at Maine Road. After that he was hooked and the rest is history as they say.
Early 1966 in the school playground on a Monday morning, a second year watching a mate in a sky blue and white scarf and looking like he was getting a hard time of it, surrounded by a group of 8 lads from the same year.
I went over and stood by him
They were rags, as obnoxious then as now.Taking the piss out of him for wearing a scarf, 95% of the school were rags, I was not into watching football but he was. A blue through and through and proud of a team led by Mercer and Allison marching out of the old second division as Champions.
He was facing them alone and I joined him, we stood them off.
I was a Blue from that moment, this was a fight worth fighting. Manchester at that time was dominated by the bastards, just a few years after Munich and our club were treated as a non entity, to see a Blue scarf was a major event.
Within 3 years the world had changed, we became Allisons "young guard" and we dominated the League, the Kippax had found its voice and we feared no one.
I have never left them, always had a dream from those days that we would dominate European football, held onto it during the dark times and now so many years later believe that I will live to see it.
We are a cult club and have always been beyond the understanding of the idiot media.
Born in Manchester in 1962, and spent my first 10 years living on Claremont Road (number 198, near the junction with Broadfield Road); about 5-10 minutes walk from Maine Road. They were my local team. Who else was I going to support; the vermin? Please.
My Gran was a fanatical Catholic who went to church every day. She heard that there was a successful catholic team from Manchester. She went to the sports shop in Lancaster and asked for a kids kit for the big Manchester team to give to me as an 8th birthday present. Fortunately the one they gave her was blue.

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