Why do you support Manchester City?

Citizen in Pakistan said:
I started supporting city when his highness took over and the reason was that we were relatively underdogs as compared to others teams at that time n plus didn't had any great history to speak abt,but one thing that was there was potential cause of the intent shown by the owner and slowly and surely love for city started growing and then cme along fa cup n the title.
One thing I always had though was Ultimate hatred for United even so city was the best possible choice,proud to b a blue:)

Excuse me?
pominoz said:
Citizen in Pakistan said:
I started supporting city when his highness took over and the reason was that we were relatively underdogs as compared to others teams at that time n plus didn't had any great history to speak abt,but one thing that was there was potential cause of the intent shown by the owner and slowly and surely love for city started growing and then cme along fa cup n the title.
One thing I always had though was Ultimate hatred for United even so city was the best possible choice,proud to b a blue:)

Excuse me?
fookin bin-dipper. :)
I support city because i breathe blue. and I really can't picture supporting any team other than the team that got me hooked on football. CTID!
Citizen in Pakistan said:
plus didn't had any great history to speak abt

Bzzt. Pick up this book and you'll find some glorious history:

We weren't allowed to do fuck all when I was young and if we got caught doin it we got leathered.In 1980 I asked my mum if I could go to the match with my brother ,thinkin I had no fuckin chance.SHE SAID YES,I can't put across in words the feelings I felt .Then when I stepped through into the stands in the North Stand,it took my breath away and my feelings were a 100 fold.From that day on,the story began...........
In '04 fell in love with football and really got into the World Cup. Started watching Chelsea, Barca, then Liverpool...
Realized i really disliked ManU. As someone here said - how can you cheer for a team with a devil on their
shirts? The race with United caught my attention. I followed the last match by live commentary and came
running into the kitchen to tell my girlfriend that CITY had tied the game! By the time i came back to
And then... PELLEGRINI. Attacking, attractive football, which is what i learned i love. Loved what
Mancini did. Love Aguero, Dzeko, Kompany, Silva, Nasri, Negrado, Navas and more. Sorry if that sounds
plastic, but i am new to footy, and want CITY to succeed, and make the other guys the noisy neighbours.
Merry Christmas and win big tomorrow!!!
My first footy shirt (aged 9) was a classic 69 cup final red and black stripe with a big white 8 on the back. Mums choice not mine - thanks mum. Nigh on 40 years of tears but you can't change your destiny. Still got the shirt in the loft.
The old fella (bluer than a blue thing) took me to Old scaffold when i was a kid, he worked for the edwards family and the big gaffer there was'nt going to be turning up. He sat me in his chair in the directors box and he took the mrs's....law done his bit, the blues went menkle, the stretford sang your gonna get your f*ckin head kicked in, being young i thought they meant me personally, shit me knickers. Next news thier on the pitch, Doyle's on my side, fan kicked him up the leg/arse and kopt one back in the kisser, ten of em round him then...all offmans except Doyle (foaming at the mouth). A priest sat behind us (obviouslly an edwards guest) exploded in rage and ended up shouting for the police to arrest doyle 'he's struck him, he's struck him, the dirt blue c** T** B** f****r'..the old fella called the priest a no gud two tongued twat (Roger Edwards looked mortified) and i was left to think what the hell have i done to deserve this, it was propa bril.

On the way home the old fella turned to me (obviouslly i know now he was getting his defence together in case i told me catholic mother that me dad had wanted to know exactly what church the priests would be lording over of a sunday cos he had every intention of arriving to tell the congregation exactly what he gets upto of a satdhey afternoon) and said 'you can tell your potty mother what you want but you wont be getting any spends of a weekend, so lets see how numb you really are'...i told her in '90...she killed herself laffin.
In the land of Barcodes said:
My Dad and Godfather were both originally from Glasgow and settled in Manchester - Cheetham Hill - via Leeds where he met my Mum. They were both staunch Loyal Orange Lodge members and, of course, fanatical Rangers fans. I was born in 1967 and when I first started to become interested in football (about 1972 - I was 5) my Dad and Godfather decided my team for me. Apart from Rangers - of course - there was only 1 choice for them.

They took me to Maine Road. Why? I'm not too sure about the history behind it but City were perceived as the Protestant club in Manchester and allied to Rangers and Unit*d were perceived to be Catholic and allied to Celtic.

Maybe they yearned for the Sectarianism of Glasgow but I never found it like that at all and I also think they realised for a young lad supporting a team over 200 miles away would never be a great connection (hmmmm.....)

Since that time I've been a blue through thick and thin, let's be honest more thin than thick but we're improving on that. Although I was a Squaddie and away most of the time I still managed to get to games. My proudest moment was taking my lad at 6 (I think) to Maine Road where we managed to get tickets for his first game after coming back from Germany. His first game, all face paint & ice lollys, was against Sheffield United where we hammered them 5-2 and his second game was one where we hammered someone 7-something in the League cup (I forget who it was against). Obviously both in the Dickov/Goater era watching from the Platt Lane, behind the goal. I thought to myself, ok, 2 games in - 12 goals scored - bound to stay a blue.

He is still, at nearly 21, a huge blue and goes to more games than I do exiled in the North East - he also has many more posts on here than me - he can give you his name if he wants to save him embarrassment. Actually maybe I should just upload the pictures of his first game to flush him out ;-)
You see, I was tricked into this lark. It's taken a further 14 years for me to witness it on a regular basis again, cheers Norwich, Spurs & Arsenal!
My dad was taking me before I was self-aware, so I have no idea why I am a City fan. I just am.

Earliest memory I can recall was a Mark Ward curler in the top corner down at the North Stand end. No idea who it was against.

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