WHY.........So much negativity!

Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Rags are in a constant state of semi collapse. Once they stop clawing themselves back into games, there will be a slide down the table. It beggars belief to be seriously suggesting you can will the league in December

Kamikaze 4-3s and 3-2s at home is no way to win a title in the long run. They will lose too many games to win the title this season.
The Doctor said:
There is so much negativity on this forum............WHY!
Would all these negative posters like to return to pre 2008? I don't think so!
So pack it in and KEEP THE FAITH & show this by STOPPING MOANING!
There is no way we can win every game accept this and on to the next match & stop being doom and gloom merchants.

There's a lot of folk off work this week with a bit more time to post than normal so you're getting a different bluemoon mix this week.
Don't worry mate, get new year out of the way when theyre all back working for the Man, then it'll be just like normal
- unless we don't win of course ;)
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Bet you thought we lost it at Swansea last season when we lost and went one point behind with twelve to play.
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Shhhhhhhh your talking to much sense (which I agree with btw) best be quiet incase you piss a lot of people off!
hilts said:
Unfortunately we live in an age when people get their kicks by mouthing off on internet forums, the treatment of our manager by some of our fans is pretty pathetic to be honest

The one thing i have learnt since the weekend is how terrible some of our supporters are, if our ship is sinking the rats are certainly deserting, no class, no loyalty, no decency

i hope they drown

Good lord ... ships sinking , desertion , drowning the rats .....fuckin' great stuff .... who needs sink the Bismarrk , Titanic or that Leonardo de Cappucino anyway ... we've got it all right here , right now , so much creativity , wonderful stuff!
woodieMCFC said:
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Shhhhhhhh your talking to much sense (which I agree with btw) best be quiet incase you piss a lot of people off!
So we've lost the league in December? LOFL...
This season may be the bump back down to earth many of our fans needed (although a lot complaining on here seem to be new fans). Nobody wins the league every season.

Sat in my seat this season, the person behind me has shouted on numerous occasions that we should be performing better because were champions. People need to forget last season, that was then, this is now.
Pam said:
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Rags are in a constant state of semi collapse. Once they stop clawing themselves back into games, there will be a slide down the table. It beggars belief to be seriously suggesting you can will the league in December

Kamikaze 4-3s and 3-2s at home is no way to win a title in the long run. They will lose too many games to win the title this season.

In fairness Pam they wont slide down the table, they will lose a few games but will certainly finish with 80 odd points, if we finish above them we need a very good second half to the season, if we don't win it and it will be very difficult then that is the time to discover what went wrong on how to put it right.

This may or may not mean Mancini leaves but December is not the time to even discuss it
black mamba said:
hilts said:
Unfortunately we live in an age when people get their kicks by mouthing off on internet forums, the treatment of our manager by some of our fans is pretty pathetic to be honest

The one thing i have learnt since the weekend is how terrible some of our supporters are, if our ship is sinking the rats are certainly deserting, no class, no loyalty, no decency

i hope they drown

Good lord ... ships sinking , desertion , drowning the rats .....fuckin' great stuff .... who needs sink the Bismarrk , Titanic or that Leonardo de Cappucino anyway ... we've got it all right here , so much creativity , wonderful stuff!

Its a fucking miracle so many rats survived a ship that's sank so many times !

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