WHY.........So much negativity!

wayne71 said:
Pam said:
wayne71 said:
My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Yep, fair play there.
Rags are in a constant state of semi collapse. Once they stop clawing themselves back into games, there will be a slide down the table. It beggars belief to be seriously suggesting you can will the league in December

Kamikaze 4-3s and 3-2s at home is no way to win a title in the long run. They will lose too many games to win the title this season.

I'm not going to argue with you Pam as I obviously hope your right but it's my gut feeling. However if we come 2nd 3rd and/or crash out of the fa cup I still want mancini to be our manager.
BillyShears said:
hilts said:
oh deary me

Y'know funnily enough ... those were the first words out of my mouth when I read this ...

hilts said:
The one thing i have learnt since the weekend is how terrible some of our supporters are, if our ship is sinking the rats are certainly deserting, no class, no loyalty, no decency

i hope they drown

Still, you really do seem like a level headed objective chap so I'm sure you'll be telling me shortly just what it is that's wrong with me ... ;)

when did i say anything was wrong with you?
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
woodieMCFC said:
wayne71 said:
My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

Shhhhhhhh your talking to much sense (which I agree with btw) best be quiet incase you piss a lot of people off!
So we've lost the league in December? LOFL...

Do the sums Bert, lets says the rags lost 3 and drew 2 of their remaining games, they finish on 90, the maximum points we can finish on if we win every remaining game is 96 and on current form we will not win every remaining game. It will take maybe an injury to persie and a shit run by them to give us a chance and I just cannot see them ever gifting us the league again after what we did to them.
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
woodieMCFC said:
Shhhhhhhh your talking to much sense (which I agree with btw) best be quiet incase you piss a lot of people off!
So we've lost the league in December? LOFL...

Do the sums Bert, lets says the rags lost 3 and drew 2 of their remaining games, they finish on 90, the maximum points we can finish on if we win every remaining game is 96 and on current form we will not win every remaining game. It will take maybe an injury to persie and a shit run by them to give us a chance and I just cannot see them ever gifting us the league again after what we did to them.

It is way too early to be getting the calculator out. This is football we're talking about.
hilts said:
when did i say anything was wrong with you?

Weirdly enough mate, being a City supporter, I find it quite unpalatable when supporters like myself are described as rats deserting a sinking ship, lacking in class, loyalty, and decency. In fact, I'd go so far as to say if you're going to make comments like that then you should probably back them up with something a bit more specific than :

hilts said:
Unfortunately we live in an age when people get their kicks by mouthing off on internet forums, the treatment of our manager by some of our fans is pretty pathetic to be honest

Because that sounds to me like you think anyone who wants Mancini sacked is all of those things you say above. In which case, yeah, that becomes me as well.

Y'know the funniest part is. When I look across the forum over the last four days ... most of the drama queening, most of the shouting, screaming, castigating, has been done by proper blues like yourself. I've lost count of the number of times I've been told to go support Chelsea, or I've read another blue being called a rag, because of their opinion on the manager. As I say, it genuinely makes me laugh.
BillyShears said:
hilts said:
when did i say anything was wrong with you?

Weirdly enough mate, being a City supporter, I find it quite unpalatable when supporters like myself are described as rats deserting a sinking ship, lacking in class, loyalty, and decency. In fact, I'd go so far as to say if you're going to make comments like that then you should probably back them up with something a bit more specific than :

hilts said:
Unfortunately we live in an age when people get their kicks by mouthing off on internet forums, the treatment of our manager by some of our fans is pretty pathetic to be honest

Because that sounds to me like you think anyone who wants Mancini sacked is all of those things you say above. In which case, yeah, that becomes me as well.

Y'know the funniest part is. When I look across the forum over the last four days ... most of the drama queening, most of the shouting, screaming, castigating, has been done by proper blues like yourself. I've lost count of the number of times I've been told to go support Chelsea, or I've read another blue being called a rag, because of their opinion on the manager. As I say, it genuinely makes me laugh.

Genuine question Billy would you like to see Mancini replaced and if so by who?
BillyShears said:
Y'know the funniest part is. When I look across the forum over the last four days ... most of the drama queening, most of the shouting, screaming, castigating, has been done by proper blues like yourself. I've lost count of the number of times I've been told to go support Chelsea, or I've read another blue being called a rag, because of their opinion on the manager. As I say, it genuinely makes me laugh.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that there haven't been any undercover rags posting anti-Mancini bile in the last few days?
I would hasten to say that the calling of our fans are "shit" as has been said several times on Blue Moon and around Twitter and the like is a little misplaced. I understand where the point of view comes from, but the problem isn't with our fans - it's with fans of a team who are successful. We've been spoilt in the last few years with performances and results, and, when that sort of thing starts to become a regularity, fans begin to expect it. And understandably so.

Something clearly hasn't been right with City this season and a lot of the frustration comes from the fact that we played much better for the mostpart of last season with, what, in theory, should be a weaker team - we've strengthened, yet it all hasn't clicked. And we're dropping points we didn't drop last year. Throw in that our nearest rivals are ahead of us and in control of the league and the frustration doubles.

When expectations are upped and winning becomes a more regular event, defeats like at Sunderland become hard to take. I reacted VERY badly to that defeat to the point where I was sulking with football up until about 20 minutes ago - yet we've lost much more embarrassing games in much more embarrassing ways and it's not affected me so badly; it's all because of the original expectations we have pre-match rather than what we used to have.

We have to make sure, though, that we do not overreact to bad situations. Ok, we're seven points behind and, truthfully, I haven't quite thrown in the towel yet (and I'm an early towel thrower-inner, I did it last year after we drew with Stoke - we still had a draw with Sunderland and a defeat to Arsenal to go before we dropped as far behind as we did!). However, I think now our biggest error was not signing van Persie: We're creating chances, but not scoring them... van Persie's converting them at a similar-performing United side.

But who knows what can happen in the next half of the season? van Persie could get injured, Tevez could go on a scoring spree and finish top scorer, City's 3-5-2 might be the answer when the right full backs are fit.

Because we've been spoilt for success in recent years, we've become hungry for more. And when it looks like it's not going well, it's understandable we are frustrated with it. But sometimes we need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture: We're still doing better than most of our fans have ever seen. We might get it wrong this season, but that's not a reason to start booing the team or start moaning at players or consider sacking the manager - they should be reserved for when we're consistently getting it wrong.

And we're not. Not yet.

If we get it wrong this season and win nothing, so be it. But that doesn't mean the same will happen the season after. We're in a brilliant position to build on our successes. So just because we've had some successes recently, let's not get impatient for more - because there WILL be more soon.
gordondaviesmoustache said:
BillyShears said:
Y'know the funniest part is. When I look across the forum over the last four days ... most of the drama queening, most of the shouting, screaming, castigating, has been done by proper blues like yourself. I've lost count of the number of times I've been told to go support Chelsea, or I've read another blue being called a rag, because of their opinion on the manager. As I say, it genuinely makes me laugh.
Are you seriously trying to suggest that there haven't been any undercover rags posting anti-Mancini bile in the last few days?

Yknow what, this forum has had undercover rags since it's inception. There's plenty of so called "pro" Mancini posters who are exactly that.

Yet we come back to the same thing. You've got one set of posters going "Mancini's shite" then you've got another set going "you're dickheads, rags, rats, cunts, disloyal" etc.

I know which side I'm on and I know which side I'd rather be on regardless of my feelings on Mancini.<br /><br />-- Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:30 am --<br /><br />
wayne71 said:
Genuine question Billy would you like to see Mancini replaced and if so by who?

In ideal world Jurgen Klopp. But honestly, if we have the possibility of getting Mourinho or Pep I'd take either over Mancini in a heartbeat.
blueju said:
wayne71 said:
Bert Trautmann's Parachute said:
My guess is people think we've lost the league already. It feels like it but the truth is we've still got a great chance of winning it, with some very serious provisos....

My own opinion is that we lost the league against sunderland, the rags would have to collapse and we would have to win 16 out of 19 games just to give us a chance.

I do think we are overreacting simply because we won the league and haven't yet come to terms with the fact that we cannot win it every year regardless of who we buy or who is our manager.

We along with the rags and chelsea will be competing for the league for the foreseeable future and we can't all win it every year.

I'm more worried about the way the players are set up, tactics, lack of firepower or general willingness or ability to attack teams in the style necessary to score the goals needed to even compete for top honours. It's not about being arrogant enough to believe we are entitled to win every game but to expect us to be banging goals in and exciting the fans. With the players we have that's the minimum we should be asking for.

Absolutely correct.

Not many games this season have excited me at all but we can still catch the rags if we can get it right......starting at Norwich.

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